Hello Beautiful

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The one person on earth Brian could trust beside himself to hold his boy while he paid a visit into the hospital was his longtime partner Twiggy. Today, the two fraternal men would embark on a mission that would effect each others' lives forever. Only Brian knew the full gist of the scheme, though. Like he always does, he kept some bits a secret for the protection of others.

Twiggy was in the driver's seat of his car, he pulled  into an empty parking spot and cut the engine. Brian's little boy was asleep in his father's lap, but Brian moved him over to Twiggy's awaiting arms carefully.

"Brian, listen to me," he took the child closely to his chest, showing Brian that he was protective and could be trusted, "I'm with you to the end. Even if she's not okay in there."

Brian was uncharacteristically quiet. He had his worried face on, that much was clear. The look where his eyes were shadowed beneath his wide brow and searched frantically over his shoulder. His teeth were closed behind his tightened pink lips, unwilling to speak. His cheeks were lower on their bones when this face happened. It was almost a sad look.

Brian looked down at his boy and unlocked his door, stepping out with a small box with rounded corners.

"What's in there?" Twiggy said, more concernedly.

"Plan A." Brian murmured.

"That . . .is odd."

"Why's it odd?"

Twiggy reclined his chair, now making himself comfortable with the kid. The boy lay like a kitten across his chest, Twiggy's arm under his rump to keep him secure.

"It's just that one would surmise a plan B, not A. No one prepares plans A; those are always just done."

"Well . . .I'm hoping it's just as effective. I've really only prepared for A's, lately." He closed his door quietly and Twiggy watched him retreat to the hospital doors. Before he went inside, he suited up with shades and a ball cap, hiding his identity.

"Psh. Jackass," he laughed, "your height just gives you away anyway."

The boy stirred, his eyes opened and caught the rays of the sunset.

He started to cry horribly.

Aw SHIT! Twiggy popped up, comically becoming a mother and bobbing him up and down on his shoulder. "Uhhh...uhh...I don't really now kids, kid. But, uh, don't cry. Chill!"

He screamed and rubbed his face. That was odd. There must be something wrong with his eyes.

Twiggy studied the kid, taking him up by the armpits and looking at his snotty face. The kid's eyes were fine. A bit off color, but they were clear.

Just guessing at what the kid needed, Twiggy put his hand over the boy's two little eyes. He stopped crying.

"That . . .IS . . .odd." He took his hand off, the kid cried. Putting it back on, he stopped. "You don't like the light, do ya, kid? You some kind of vampire?"

He settled the kid down back on his chest with his makeshift blindfold still on, they both calmed down quite a bit. The sun in the sky disappeared and brought colder temperatures with it.

Twiggy had fallen asleep without turning the car, and the heat, back on. . .


Brian passed a few open doors in the hallway before coming across one of interest. It was shut, window curtains pulled, and Ted the paramedic was standing outside of it, sweating at the sight of him.

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