Nightwing I

280 12 1

-1 hour after taken-

The air is hot, way too hot. It scalds my skin. Condensation and sweat bead down my face, slipping into my mouth. The moisture is almost welcome, my mouth is bone dry and my head is throbbing and I feel like I am about to vomit. 

I open my eyes, to find that I am sitting in the middle of a very dimly lit room. And it appears that I am the only here. I try to take in as many of my surroundings as I possibly can but my head hurts too much for me to function properly. As I come to more of my senses, I realize that it is not just my head that hurts. My ribs feel bruised, if not cracked, I feel deep lacerations across my whole body- the pain is borderline unbearable.

I feel like I am about to lose consciousness but all I can think about is, Barbara.

Her face flashes before my eyes. Her hair so vibrantly red, I loved it when it reached her waist, it looked like wild fire. Her eyes, a cross between blue and green, the most beautiful shade that I have ever seen. I have never loved someone so deeply as Barbara Gordon, and I should have shown her that I did more often. When I still had the chance. After her accident, I was sent into a frenzied fury, I didn't spend as much time with her as I should have, I should have been with her every second of every day.

Barbara, I need to get free. I need to get free so I can be with you.

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