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I struggled to put my lipstick on while Caesar continued to brush up against my back.

"Not now boy," I muttered, scooting him away. Finally, after minutes of trying to get me to pet him he sulked off into the corner of the bathroom. He laid down with a 'hmph'. I looked over at him sadly. "I'll play with you tomorrow okay? Maybe the park?"

Caesar's tail instantly started wagging. I laughed and went back to applying the red lipstick. Two minutes later I was done, not a bit out of place. The bright red looked fantastic with my blonde hair pulled back and it matched pretty well with my white dress. Personally I thought I looked like I came out of a classic old Vogue magazine. Hopefully Leo thought the same.

My nerves were at an all-time high as I slipped my feet into a pair of bright red high heels. Evidently they are the only pair that I can wear without wanting to cut off my feet. I haven't been on a date for years and even then Adrik was the first one to ask me. Well he didn't really ask as so much as give me no choice but to go to dinner with him. I thought it was romantic, especially since he rented out the entire restaurant. Or well I thought he did; looking back now I realize that he probably threatened his way into that place.

How could I have been so blind?

But I didn't need to worry anymore. Leo wasn't anything like Adrik, he was the complete opposite. Leo did nothing but offer the world something new: a whole towns that people can call home, while Adrik has been raised to only steal from this world, lives that is.

My bedroom fell silent as I sat up straight and realized that I had nothing left to busy myself with. I looked over at the bedside table to see the clock read two minutes before seven. My nerves were shaking my body but they instantly silenced when my eyes fell on the picture frame besides the digital alarm clock.

It was a picture of Isaiah on his last birthday. I had just shoved his face into the cake, making his nose be covered in chocolate frosting in the picture. Still he was smiling.

My throat began to close up once I wondered what Isaiah would think if he was here now. Would he be proud that I was the assistant to one of the most important men in the world and making my own destiny or would be upset that I had strayed so far from the path he tried so hard to dig for me? I left everything behind, including our father.

Our father might have been a drunken ass and no matter how many times I reminded Isaiah of that he refused to listen.

"We never leave family behind. Never," he would always say.

But I left him behind.

Just as tears sprang to my eyes a knock sounded at the door. I jumped into action, blinking back the tears and swallowing the bad feeling I had laid upon myself. I thought of something happy: Isaiah meeting Leo and of course threatening him.

The thought made me smile as I opened the door. Before me stood Leo Stavros and I don't know what I was expecting. Maybe Leo in a suit, even though he wore one everyday. Of course if a man wears a suit on a regular basis than he wouldn't find it appropriate to wear for a "formal evening". But a sweater and jeans? Really?

"Oh no," I whispered, feeling my cheeks heat up dramatically. "I thought we were dressing up." I felt like a complete and utter idiot. How could I have not gotten the memo? Now I just looked like a fool! And the way that Leo's eyes wouldn't leave me was only making it worse.

"Let me go change," I rushed, ready to close the door on his face. He reached out quickly, halting the door in its tracks. He gently pushed it back open.

"You don't have to do that," he said with a heartwarming smile.

Of course he still looked like a perfect ten even with ripped jeans.

Serving Leo [Book 4 of the Stavros Series] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now