by status

159 8 1
  • Dedicated to Devon

Erm, this one contains a swear word. Like a real swear word. I'm sorry if you think it's inappropriate, but I will not change anything.

His name and number,

scribbled on a picnic table.

"Fucking ass hole"

scrawled beneath it

in a different colour.

The numbers blur together

as she punches the combination

into her phone.

"Hey, Devon," she texts.

He replies.

He asks her who she is.

She doesn't tell him.

"What? What's the point?" she thinks.

He thinks she's weird.

She thinks she's daring.

Spontaneity is everything.

"Life is too short," said the philosopher.

Writer a random letter.

Buy a random plane ticket.

Send a random text.

After a long conversation

about right and wrong,

and life and death,

he asked again, "What's your name?"

She told him.

He didn't reply.

Life is too short.

What's the point?

Hey, Devon.

Fucking ass hole.


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