Chapter 1: Suffocation

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There's a sadness. One that lies deep within everyone. My heart yerns for the sinful desire of love. Who's doesn't? Alone, the word everyone fears but doesn't look out for. The fear of never finding someone or not finding the right someone.

I've lived 16 years in this place I would like to call home. But, home sounds to peaceful. I'd like to call it something far more horid. I can't find the name for it. I've seen it all. An abusive dad. A suicidal mom.

I've been abused, neglected, and thrown out nurmous times. I don't have a heart, a black soul, maybe. But my heart left along time ago. Love doesn't exist to me, niether does being alone. I live this life with no care only because caring causes pain.

I walked down the hall. Staring into the darkness of the house. I listened and waited. It was about 5 a.m. and I had to get ready for school. My mom was knocked out from too much alcohol as usual and my father. Well he was gone as usual. I hated being surprised by either one of them because they'd yell at me for no reason.

They didn't give a damn about me. I can and went as I pleased but I never stayed away. I had to come back to this hell hole I call home. I didn't have a choice. My mother would end up dead or my dad would burn the place down. I was the only thing keeping them here while at the same time destroying them.

See they blamed me for there mistakes. When my mom drank it was because I was a bad kid. When my dad beat my mom it was because I was born. I was the problem and it never failed to hit me.

I grabbed my backpack and a jacket and headed out the door. I didn't have any friends. Actually, this year I got transfered to a new school. A private school on a scholarship for highest academic achievements. It was the first day and there was no way my parents would mess this up for me. This is my way to espace and find my way in the world.

I walked out the door and closed the door as quietly as I could. I walked down the streets in complete silence. Yes, its 5 A.M. and i'm walking to school. The school was around an hour away if you walked. My parents didn't know I got the scholarship and they wouldn't let me go either way. So this was my only option.

I wish I could say that I wanted to make friends or find someone to be with. I'm gay and cold hearted thanks to my parents. I'll be damned if some stupid punk wanted to mess with my heart. No way.

I got walked closer to the school. School started at 7 a.m. here and released at 1 p.m. I really like that change. I could have sometime to myself out of the house. I walked into the doors and just looked around.

My schedule seemed to have every class I wanted on it so that's a good thing. It was 6:30 a.m. and a ton of kids were showing up. I sat down outside on the grass watching the sun come up. They had a outside area in the middle of the school and it was beautiful. I stared at the sun for a few more minutes.

"Hey, what's your name?"

I looked up to see a beautiful blonde girl with red streaks in her hair staring at me with a smile. I didn't smile back.

"Drew." I said it as plainly as I could. Like I said, I wasn't interested in making friends.

"Hello Drew, I'm Kiara. I can tell your new."

I looked down and off into the rising sun again. I didn't want to speak to her anymore but she seemed nice. Maybe one friend wouldn't be that bad.

"What are you looking at?"

I looked up at her. "The sunrise."

She sat down next to me and began to stare at it with me. She didn't speak anymore. She just admired the beauty of the moment and the heat hit our skin degrees by degrees.

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