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Norway sat in the living room of the Nordic household. He had gotten a new book from England a few days ago and he's been reading it ever since. It was a book of fantasy and romance, two of his favorite types of books. He just adored them. He was nearly done with the book and was eager to find out what would happen to the main characters in the end. He smiled slightly as he read a cute little speech that one of main characters was giving. He yawned as he ended the chapter and closed the book setting it on the coffee table. He sat up and picked up his phone to look at the time

11:22 P.M.

Norway sighed. The other Nordics had left hours ago to get a few things from the store. He wondered where they were. Surely it doesn't take hours just to pick up a couple of things. He groaned and got up. He walked into the kitchen to make himself some coffee when he hear the front door open.

"Nooorrrwaaayy! I'm back!" A loud and annoying voice called as he walked inside.

Norway groaned. Oh how he hated that voice. It was so annoying! He ignored the voice and walked into the kitchen and started making his coffee. As it brewed, the loud danish man walked into the kitchen carrying multiple bags. Norway turned and looked at him as he sat the bags on the counter.

" Where are the others?" Norway asked in his usual monotone voice

" Oh yeah! Iceland should be on his way home now...as for Finland and Sweden. They decided to crash over at Sweden's place" Denmark chuckled loudly

Norway raised an eyebrow

"Who is bringing him home?"

"Oh some Hong Kong dude....why?" Denmark tilted his head

" Just wanted to know" Norway frowned a little as he heard the timer for his coffee go off. He turned and grabbed his coffee mug from the cabinet.

Denmark stared at him as he poured some coffee into the mug and added some butter. He grinned and began looking at the small curl floating next to Norway's head. He always wondered what would happen if he touched it. He had tried multiple times in the past but always ended up getting punched, slapped, or kicked. But that doesn't stop him from still trying. He continued to stare until Norway turned around.

"Idiot Dane, what are you staring at?" Norway sipped his coffee while looking at him

" Your curl..." Denmark answered still staring

Norway coughed a little as he almost choked on his coffee and glared at the Dane

"Stop staring and put those groceries away" Norway emotionlessly and walked over to sit down at the table

Denmark frowned

"Fine...but I really want to know...what does that curl do anyways? " Denmark started putting things away

Norway didn't say anything and sipped his coffee and finally said

"Nothing...it does nothing"

Denmark put the last of the groceries away and looked at him

" Oh come on! It has to do something! " Denmark yelled walking over to the table and sat down

" Well it doesn't" Norway glared at him

" Then why won't you let me touch it" Denmark crossed his arms

" Because I don't want you to now shut up" Norway took another sip of his coffee

Denmark frowned and leaned over reaching his hand out. His hand was inches away when Norway noticed and grabbed his wrist

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Norway tightened his grip on his wrist and glared daggers at him

Denmark tried to pull his wrist away

" Come on Norge, I just want to see what it does" Denmark whined






"Pleeaassee!" Denmark whined again

Norway growled a little and loosen his grip on his wrist

" I said no"

Denmark frowned and sneaked his other hand up while Norway drank a little of his coffee and gentle stroked his curl

Norway stopped drinking and started to shake a little

Denmark raised an eyebrow and pulled it a little

Norway began to shake more as his face turned a bright red

"D-Denmark....S-stop" Norway said in a shaky voice

Denmark ignored him and pulled a little harder

Norway breathed a little heavily trying to keep in a moan

"Hmm....I thought you said it didn't do anything" Denmark chuckles

Norway's turned a brighter red as the danish man kept pulling the curl

"S-stop....please..s-stop...D-Dane...Nyahh.." Norway moaned slightly trying to push Den's hand away but failed

Denmark tilted his head confused

" I don't get what it's doing....does it feel good or something " Denmark pulled it again as he heard the front door open then close

Norway heard it too but couldn't stop himself from letting out a little moan

"Uhh...Denmark? Norway? What are you two doing? " Iceland asked as he slowly walked in the kitchen with his eyes covered

Denmark pulled his hand away and chuckles

"Nothing Icey, you can uncover your eyes...we're not doing anything" Denmark grinned

Norway didn't say anything. He only looked down at his coffee mug with a very bright red face

Iceland uncovered his eyes and looked at them and smirked

"It sure sounded like you two were doing something" Iceland chuckled slightly

"Believe me...nothing happened"

Norway slowly stood up and glared at Denmark

" Jeg hater deg" A blushing Norway walked out of the kitchen and ran upstairs locking himself in his room

(Translation: I hate you)

Well I hope you enjoyed it. I know it sucked but tried my very best. Promise! And sorry if they were acting a little out of character. Anyways again hope you all enjoyed. Bye Bye :)

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