Chapter 2

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An incessant buzz rippled through the once empty corridors needing my peace I slipped away unnoticed and into my home room. I picked the desk in the doors line of vision in case I was attacked or something I don't know I've never been here before anything could happen.

So this was it a new school and a new start now this could fuck up or go splendidly. ah who am I kidding I'll fuck up.

"You got everything you need for tonight"

"Errmm I guess so...wait right here Clo I'll be right back"

I looked up to see a tall figure towering over my desk.

"Can help you ma'am?"

"Handsome and polite I think I like you, the names emily and you are?"

"Hi I'm Dante. Do you happen to know a-"

"Let me guess you're new?"

Oh okay just cut me off why don't you. Rude.

"Yes as I was saying you don't know Annabelle do you?"

"Oh that freak got to you first"

"No it's just that she mentioned you were in most of my lessons and that you could give me a your instead"

A cackle erupted from her lips and I looked up to see her clutching her sides.

Everyone was looking at me strangely...oh for fuck sake I hadn't put my foot in it this early had I?

"What's so funny Em?"

"Dante over here was just telling me how little Annie knows my timetable now" she purred stroking my arm.

"Ew what the fuck?!"

"I know god that insufferable being"

Wow so they're best friends(!)

"Did you see what she was wearing today, whore"

"What that skanky tight top? Yes"

"Errmmm hi?"

Still not noticed okay

Clearing my throat should do it

"Oh sorry I forgot you were there"

"Everybody in your seats NOW!" I turned my attention to the front a short man stood at the front with surprisingly a full head of hair I mean the guy looked like he was in his 30's "Thank you and welcome back we have a new student today his name is d-d-"

"It's Dante"

"Such a polite interruption(!) well that's him students do your utmost to make him feel welcomed. I'm going to get something from the printer an I don't want to hear a peep out of you get your books out and READ!"

Oh I'm guessing that was my home room teacher he's such a charmer isn't he?!

"That's Mr.Lennock he's so hot! I wouldn't mind staying late with him"

"Ew Sara that's just no he's your teacher..."

" 'Scuse me male still present"

Emily seemed to find the truth funny because again that flirtatious giggle came out

"Oh Dante come on I'll show you .around."

"Yeah don't mean to sound like a nerd but he seems like a dick and I don't wanna face him if we get caught"

"You're scared of him don't worry he's my uncle We'll be fine"

"Well then if that's the case after you beautiful"

"Come on" she screamed pulling me out of my seat.

"So Dante..."

"So Em"

"Where did you go to school last"

"South Florida but I was taken out and home schooled for the last year"

"Whoa all the way in Florida damn must have been pretty chill out there"

"Yeah it was"

"Previous girlfriends?"

"We only just met and you're already making a move? And one"

"Can't blame a girl for asking I mean look at you! What happened?"

How did we get here this quick?! Damn it normally takes me at least an hour to get them on their knees.

"We broke up that's all there is to it two different to be with each other. Enough about me how about you? Been here all your life? Previous boyfriends? Current boyfriend?"

"Slow down there tiger, I might think you have a thing for me and nope there's no one special, yet."

Damn she's easy!

Silence. Now this was awkward I mean seriously awkward was she not aware of how uncomfortable this was?

"So how do you know Annabelle?" I randomly asked. That silence was boring.

"She errmmm I mean we well basically our parents are friends some would argue extremely close"

"So why don't you like her"

"Look" she said letting out an exasperated sigh "me and Anna go way back" her voice dropped to a sudden whisper "all I'm telling you to do is pick your side because there's no way you can be friends with me and Anna we both wont allow it"

I studied for a few more seconds the way she combed her hand through her hair there was just something enticing about it.

"Come on" I nudge grabbing her hand.

"Where're we going"

"Somewhere special"

I really didn't know but I was going to get to know this girl if it was the last thing I did.

We ended up on the roof of the school and we sat right in the centre.

"Start" I demanded

"Start what exactly?"

"Just tell me about you and Anna, there's something you're not telling me"

"Look don't flirt with me act like you want to get to know take me to the fucking roof just so I can talk to you about Anna if you fancy her so much YOU talk to her"

She got up before I could process what was happening and ran down the stairs.

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