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A/N: Please read the authors note at the bottom as it's very important.

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I am shy, put simply. It's because I've been home schooled my whole life and never got to socialize with people that weren't my parents or brother. If I wasn't home schooled, I probably would've been bullied daily. I'm not exactly like everyone else. No one really knows how it occurred, but it's becoming more and more common across the world. Mutations in people are rendering their appearance a bit different.

I still function normally, just as anyone else. I can see perfectly, hear, comprehend, I have full control of my motor functions. I just have an extra one. I have a tail. Not one of those tails that just sits there and looks like a scraggly thing. A fully functioning tail like a cat. More scientifically, I have an elongated tailbone, like evolution worked backwards for me.

I was told by the doctors it was becoming a slow phenomenon that people were developing usable tails. Some long like mine and some shorter. Most of those with tails had surgery done to remove it but some had surgery to make it even better by adding fur and hair, the works. I added fur to mine so it looked like a large fluffy tail when I was younger. At the time I wanted bright pink but my mom made me choose a more practical color. Now, really, I wish I hadn't had it done. My tail is impossible to hide and going out in public is terrifying. People stare at me and I try my hardest to leave my tail still and hanging so they would think it's fake but there's always the occasional muscle spasm. Another reason I'm so shy. People think I'm a freak, I'm sure.

A few days ago, my doctor presented to me a brochure for a new academy specifically for people like me; Evermore Academy. I really couldn't believe they were advertising their academy and didn't have angry mobs knocking down their doors.

My mom loved the idea of actually sending me to school with people just like me. I didn't. I was perfectly okay with being home schooled but my mom's argument was it cost more to be home schooled than this academy. Apparently the academy was owned by a scientist so he was practically begging for students so he could find out the secret to the tail phenomenon. That made me like it even less. A scientist looking for subjects? That screamed bad news but, my mom couldn't care less. I was being sent to Evermore Academy as soon as possible. I made it fifteen years home schooled and was suddenly being thrown into an academy which meant I lived in school. Alone. What could be better?

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Meh, I suppose this is boring. I have a cast on this page and I apologize the main character does not have an actual actress. I looked through so many and all of them were just too pretty to be her. I found a girl and her pictures is on the side. Also, this piece if dedicated to Gabby (Failhardt) because we somewhat thought of this together in Bio when talking about tailbones. The main character has her name and is a combination of me and her personality wise. There were some attributes Gabby has that I couldn't put in the character because it wouldn't make sense so she was given mine instead. Ex; the shyness. Anyway, I'm hoping this story will do well! Please comment and vote xx

Tails of Evermore AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now