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After we got off of Splash Mountain, we walked around and Corey took multiple pictures on his camera.  He seemed to love taking pictures, and he was very good at it. We even took a selfie together!

We later went to California Adventure, and we brought me to a trolley cart like thing. I'm guessing a show is about to start. I asked Corey about it.

"Oh, it's your preview to Newsies." He said causally.

"Preview? What do you mean?" I asked him cautiously.

"Oh, I'm definitely taking you to go see Newsies on Tour. You HAVE to see a Broadway show, and this is a perfect one to see!" He replied. Is this a date? I never even thought of Corey like that. Heck, we just met! And he doesn't know about... My situation. I quickly thought of a way to nicely decline.

"I can't," I started. "I have um, plans that day. Sorry." Sweat started to form at the top of my forehead.

"I never even told you when it was." He replied. There was pain in his eyes. "If you don't want to go, you can just tell me! I know it's really quick and we just met, I just thought that I could introduce you to Broadway. I'm sorry, Kate."

"I..." I stuttered. Tears started to form in my eyes. "I can't do this anymore." I ran faster than I ever ran. I don't know where I was going, just away from all of these people. I found a nearby bathroom and dashed into it. When I closed the door I saw the first and last person I wanted to see right now. I don't know how someone can be both, but they managed to be that. I gasped when I saw them.

"Kate?! Explain THIS?!"

Hi everyone! It's Anne!
I'm sorry it was rushed and short, but at least I updated?
You know what I love?!
When y'all comment your reactions whist reading!
It makes me laugh so much!
Okay, that's it.

Girl Meets Corey FogelmanisWhere stories live. Discover now