A New Threat

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"Clark Joseph Kent."

Clark stood and walked up the stage. He looked around at his classmates as he climbed the steps. Some smiled his way, some were busy looking at their diplomas, and others were just looking around. Sort of like how his high school years went. Some people he was close to; others, he wasn't. Deep down, though, Clark knew that "close" was a relative term. He would never be able to be really "close" to someone. No one would understand him or his abilities.

Clark reached the podium, shook the principal's hand, and accepted his diploma. He turned to the crowd, moved his tassel from the left side to the right side and grinned. A small roar of applause came from the middle of the audience. He looked up and saw his mom, dad and grandmother standing and applauding him. His dad gave a whistle and clapped some more, then brought up his camera.

Great, thought Clark. More pictures. I've had my picture taken enough today to last me a lifetime.

To his dad's right, Clark saw Lois standing and clapping too. She gave a wolf-whistle, which caused Clark to blush a little. He could feel the blood rushing to his face.

She's not all that bad, Clark reflected. Not really my type, but we've certainly been through a lot together.

Clark remembered everything he did as Kal-El, especially Lois finding him in the field after he had been with Jor-El in the cave for 3 months. He thought back on that time and gave a little shiver. I can't believe I was actually flying. That's one ability that won't get used too much.


Clark turned around and saw the principal look at him and then pointedly look at the staircase. He grinned sheepishly and made his way down the steps, being careful not to trip over his gown. Not bad colors, Clark mused. School colors, I suppose. Red and yellow. It would look sort of nice with a splash of blue somewhere. I've always liked blue.

The nonsense thoughts continued in Clark's head through the rest of his classmates' names. Clark stood and clapped when Lana and Chloe were called up. Clark felt that this day was turning out OK. He could feel Pete's absence as a dull ache in the pit of his stomach, but he knew that Pete had his own graduation and family to worry about now.

The principal was nearing the end of the list when Clark heard a murmuring come from behind him. He turned around and saw Sheriff Adams walking up the aisle, her eyes fixed on the principal. Clark turned and looked at his dad and saw concern etched on his face while his mother was looking up at him, looking equally concerned.

The sheriff reached the podium and spoke briefly to the principal. The principal nodded and Adams turned to address the crowd.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," she began, "I'm terribly sorry to interrupt this fine occasion, but we've just gotten word from the Metropolis observatory that there is what appears to be a grouping of meteors on course for Earth. Now, they say a lot of them are small and are going to burn up in the atmosphere, but some of them are bigger and may impact. They also say the likely area of impact is going to be near us or Metropolis. I'm going to have to ask that these festivities be cut short and you all head home and take appropriate safety measures. Thank you."

And with that, Sheriff Adams walked off the stage without a look to any of the concerned Smallville citizens.

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