Chapter 1

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This is my first teen fiction novel so go easy and try not to eat me alive. I'll try to update when I can.


September first. The day I didn't want to come, and feared . Of corse I'm going to hate transferring, again. I was finally getting used to the old school. I had a friend there, which is more than I can say for the school before that. It will be nice to go to a larger school for once. I will truly miss Amy , but I knew I shouldn't have never gotten so attached and involved. It was only a matter of time before my mother packed up and forced us to leave again.

Out of everyone in the world, I was the one who had the misfortune of having my mother. She has always been on the run, fearing for her life. Except there is really nothing to fear. When I was 12 years old, my mother became convinced that her crazy ex boyfriend is out to get us. When she finally broke it off with him, he started to stalk her everywhere she went. He would send love letters, flowers, anything he could do to try to win her back. Well, finally he started to get pissed that she wasn't planning on getting back with her and broke into our house in the middle of the night. My mom finally having had enough, packed up our things and left. Every since then there has been no proof of any signs he is "watching us", but she isn't convinced. Whenever we move to a new town, we get comfortable and then something happens, and she always thinks its him. I for one do not.

Lately it has gotten worse, with a record of 3 moves in the last year. Maryville, Ohio is my new home for who knows how long. Last time it was 6 months, but before that it was 2. I never know with my mom. It's hard enough to be constantly moving around, but to have to keep up with school is another task. I just hope I can complete my senior year in one place. (But that may be hard.)


I honestly don't know where I'm going. It's my first day of school, and it's the biggest school yet. I know I said it will be nice to go to a larger school, but I take that back. There are too many students, and unfamiliar faces its overwhelming. This school is probably 3 times larger than the last ones, and it's practically a maze.

I've tried to ask a few people where my locker is but just my luck, no one pays attention to the new girl. I mean seriously there has to be one soul here that can help.

The one minute bell signals that class will begin shortly, and I don't even know where my locker is yet, let alone first period.

"Shoot" I mutter under my breath, as the bell rings and I'm alone in the halls with now no one to help me with directions. I turn around the corner and feel like I walk into a brick wall. Me being the clumsy person I am, I drop my schedule and books on the ground and look up expecting the person I walked into to at least say sorry or help me like a nice human would do, but he isn't there anymore. I turn around and he's already walking away.

"Thanks for the help asshole" I mutter to myself. Apparently it wasn't just to myself though.

"Excuse me?" The brick wall says as stops in his tracks turning around to face me. Great job Summer, you really did it now. I slowly turn around and look up to see him towering over me, with a scowl over his face.

"Did I say that out loud? Oops... What I meant to say was... Was... Ummmm..." I stutter as I slowly stand up, backing up to get a better view of the brick wall that bulldozed over me. He's tall. Really tall. With dirty blonde hair, dull gray/ blue eyes, and is wearing black jeans and a plain white t shirt. I mean if he wasn't suck an arrogant asshat for just leaving me in a mess on the floor, I would say he was attractive.

"Save it" he says and begins to walk away. Shit, maybe he knows where my locker is. I mean he's does go here and it's my only option left. I don't know where I am and I'm already late to class.

"WAIT!" I shout and run down the hall after him. "Please, I'm sorry. I'm new and I really don't know where I'm going, and I can't even find my locker. Can you help?" I say as I catch up to him and trail behind him.

"Oh so now you want my help? Sorry, but no" he say as he turns around and begins walking again. Well there goes my only chance.

"Damn it." I say out loud as I slide down a locker to the floor, putting my face in my hands. How am I ever going to find my locker when I don't have a school map and no one will help me. "What am I going to do now, I don't even know how to get back to the main office!" I say to no one particular.

I look down at my schedule to see what my locker number was again, before it was ripped out my hands. "What the h—" i look up to see the once brick wall crouching down starring at my schedule with a crease between his brows. Oh so now he wants to help? Ugh

"Your locker is 476, this is the 200 hall, so you locker is down to the end of this hall, turn left, and then right and it should be towards the end. As for your first period, you have Mr. Kingsley. That's down to the other end of the hall and on the left." He says before handing me back my schedule and walking away before I can even say thank you.

That was weird. I get off the floor I was pathetically sitting on and start down the hall. "End of this hall, turn left and then right" I say to myself just how he told me. Exactly what he said, my locker 476 was near the end.

I then begin walking down to where he told me my first period is, and already I'm lost. Again. Where did I even come from? I stop at a 4 way intersection and I have no idea. Left? Yeah I came from the left. Then what? Right? I look down at the locker numbers and I see 297. So I am in the right hall at least. Slowing I begin walking towards the end of the hall, stopping to read each name on the door until I stop at the door labeled "Mr. Kingsley; advanced composition." Finally.

Just as I reach for the door it is swung open and the bell signals the end of first period. Great, of corse the period where I actually know where my class is, is already over. Now I have to try to find next class in 7 minutes. It probably takes 7 minutes just to walk from one side of the school to the other. How am I going to even get though today?

After 5 minutes of walking and asking every student I could find, I make my way into Miss Ferguson's room with 2 minutes to spare. I find an empty seat in the back of the room, and set my books down, and take out a pen.

Once the bell rings, Miss Ferguson walks to the front of the room to begin class, but she goes unnoticed, as everyone continues to talk to eachother, with me being the only student quiet.

"Mmhhhm" Nothing. "mmmHHMMMMM" Nothing. "CLASS!" Everyone snaps  their heads forward and stops talking. "I know it's the first day, and all of you are excited to be back with your friends from over the long summer break, but this is not break anymore. We will have time at the end of class to converse among yourselves. But until then, the less I am interrupted, the sooner we can finnish. So now, this is AP Psychology. You will have 14 tests thought the year, and—" She was cut off by the door opening. I look over and it's the brick wall I walked into. "Nice of you to join us Matthew. Way to start off the year on time." So his name is Matthew. "Please take a seat in any open desk, which reminds me, you will be assigned a seating chart tomorrow. For now you are fine where you are at."

Somewhere along the way I zoned out if the speech about the class rules which I have heard about 100 times now. I found myself looking over at Matthew. Why would he help me when he was so set on letting me suffer on my own? Somewhere within the time I was staring, he looked around the room as if to see who he had with him and he stopped when he spotted me. I don't know why, but I just continue to look, and he does the same. Neither of us looks away until the bell rings and class is dismissed. 

Now to find my next class. That will be easy. Sarcasm. That was sarcasm.

I'll try to make the chapter longer as I get further into the book. I hope you liked it!

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