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Bell's POV...

While I was filling out some paper work, the same gorgeous, light skinned girl walked by. I had to admit that I was jealous of  her beauty and the way she seemed confident without much effort or thought. I smiled evilly at her. She was even prettier up close. She slightly smiled back showing her perfect pearly teeth.
I decided to go visit my future boo, even though Doctor Wint said I wasn't assigned to him anymore. As I entered the room, he was wide awake watching TV.
"Hey Mr. Nelson😁",I cheesed.
"Auhh...hey ma 👀"
"How you feeling?😌"
"Ummm...I'm straight😴"
"Good! ☺️"
"Look ma... I know for sure that my sis made sure you weren't assigned to me anymore... So what you on?😐"
"I just wanted to be..."friendly"😏"
" need for that homie, I don't keep female friends. So I'm good buh thanks though😌"
"Well... I'm sure you keep female companions in a 'more-than-friendly' way😏"
"Yea!... I do... That my dear is my girlfriend and I got me one already😌 so your 'help' ain't needed here😐"
Oooo he so sexy when he get all serious... I was getting wetter by the second at this lil game 😏💦.
"Come on... You know that you only talking bout some random bitch you fuck more than the others. Quit playin, we know you ain't got no permanent girl 😂😪"
" Listen up trick 😐, you got some damn nerve to be trash talking my girl😒. I suggest you leave before she get back😌"
I just giggled at his grumpiness... It must be the medicine. I jotted my number on a paper and slipped it in his hand and blew him a kiss 💋 before leaving.

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