Chapter 2

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*Your Pov*

"Lei, are you sure it's not too late to go home?" I begged her all the way here and I still couldn't get her to budge on going back home.

"No y/n. We are already at the front of the line. Now shush and act normal." Lei pushed me to the front. We got to the front and I was nervous but the guy  let us pass. I can already smell the alcohol on people breaths and the stench of people from almost getting it on with a guy or  sweat from dancing. I couldn't help but notice some of the people sucking faces remembering the times I was one of them.

"Y/n there's Niall." She smirked and I can't help but quickly bop my head up and notice the blonde headed Irish boy at the other side of the club waving for us to come over. I couldn't help but smile at my best friend. His smile was just so contagious and his smirk is just.... STOP! You don't like Niall. Just walk calmly and do not make it awkward....

"Hi Niall!" My voice squeaked. Great.

"Haha Hi Y/n." His laugh is so beautiful and the way his eyes squint when he laughs and.... okay I need to get a drink.

"I'm going to get a drink anyone want one?"

"I'll have a vodka sour please." Lei just smiled at me and made Niall join me. We walked to the bar and ordered mine and Lei's drinks.

"So I have something very important to tell you. It is the reason I am having this party."

"Oh and I just thought you just wanted to party and get with any girl you want like usual Nialler." I smirked.

"Stop being sassy y/n. You know I'm only here for the only girl in my life." If only what he was saying was true. Pay attention y/n!

"Haha but seriou-"

"I need a drink." I wanted to dance too. I got the feeling that whatever he was going to tell me can wait until tomorrow. I dragged him and the drinks to our lounge and got Lei to dance with me. Drink after drink, dance after dance, I noticed the floor starting to get blurry. I started dancing with some guy and noticed a blonde piece of hair. No wonder I felt so comfortable and just kept dancing.

*Niall"s Pov*

I started dancing with y/n and I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looks tonight and how blurry? I think I've had too much to drink but I couldn't leave y/n to leave with someone else. I wanted her and I need her. She doesn't even realize how much I like her and for so long. I got to tell her the big news but she doesn't even let me say it. It can wait. 

"Do you want to leave?" I whispered in her ear.

"Yeah I just need to go find Lei." I followed her and noticed that we were both trying to stay on our feet. We saw Lei and noticed she looked bored and sober.

"Hey you downer. What couldn't find a guy to bone." Y/n slurred every word, smirking.

"Well you got drunk before me so I had to be the designated driver tonight. Ready?" 

"Yeah. Y/n you want to stay at my house tonight? My mom isn't home and if you're parents find you in this condition they are going to kill you."

"Yeah. She's staying at your place. She's a loud person when drunk sometimes and I do not want these of all times her waking up my parents when they are home."

We started walking to the car and I noticed she was starting to sleep while walking so I began carrying her trying not to drop her and myself to the ground. We got to the car and sat her down next to me.

"You really like her don't you..." That caught me by surprise. I didn't know it was that noticeable.

"Pfft, no. I don't know w-what you are t-t-talking about." I stuttered. No one should know this. How was I supposed to lie now? Lei is so hard to lie to.

"Niall, I see the way you look at her. You totally like her. I know she likes you too."


"She won't admit it but I see it in her eyes. You guys are best friends. It was bound to happen." I couldn't respond. I just stared at the beautiful sleeping y/n. We finally got to my house and I took y/n in my arms and carried her in. I tried not knocking her into the walls and was so glad my room was downstairs. I laid her on my bed and was about to walk away when I felt a hand grab my arm.

"Stay with me?" She looked sleepy and could tell she hasn't had a good sleep in weeks. Stupid jerk. He doesn't deserve her. I could treat her right. I slid into bed with her. I tried falling asleep when I felt eyes on me and I looked down and noticed y/n staring.

"Sorry.." She blushed. Wow, I never knew I had the effect on her. We just stared at each other which felt like hours. I started looking so deep in her eyes and noticed her bite her lip gazing into my eyes. I looked back and forth between her eyes and her lips. I started leaning in and then the both of us started leaning in and then our lips brushed against one another. Slowly, our lip fell into sync. IT started turning into a make out session. The kiss was filled with lust, compassion, and.... love? Am I in love with my best friend? I knew this felt right but love? We were still in our drunken state and I knew this was the wrong time to do this but I couldn't stop it and I know she couldn't either.

******AUTHORS NOTE*******

Hi guys! It's been a while hasn't it. So sorry for the really late update and I sincerely apologize. I've had so much on my plate and I'm really hoping you guys stay with me on this. Again this is my first fanfiction so it might not be good at first. Would really love your guys opinion. Please comment and vote on this. Sorry it's so short I'm trying to get used to the idea of the story. Will start writing longer chapters. Promise. 5 votes and I'll post the next one tomorrow when I can. Thanks to all you readers -xx

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