Say waa

218 10 1

Robin: say waa

Harry: Manny

Manny: say WAA?

Harry: say waaaaaaaaaa?

Robin: saaaaayyyyy waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa????


Manny: *burps*

Harry: U challengin meh bruh?


Robin: Bur *walks away*

Harry: Back

Manny: bush

Harry: pee in the bushes

Manny: Yellow

Harry: yellow snow

Manny: eating the yellow snow

Harry: look out for the tree

Manny: wa? Is smacked into tree

Harry: told you

Robin: *comes out of nowhere* licks the blood

Manny: there was no blood

Robin: licks the face

Manny: I have no face

Robin: Licks the overalls

Manny: I am naked

Robin: runs away and eats chicken

Harry: feels excluded

Manny: puts back on overalls and face

Harry: so excluded

Robin: Manny we should go

Manny: where

Robin: Candy

Harry: cries

Shrignold: *appears out of nowhere in living room where the guys are rolplaying* no one cares, Harry

Harry: Harry Potter Harry Potter UH Harry Potter Harry Potter UH

Shrignold: everybody hates u and no ones cares

Robin: Manny and Robin disappear

Harry: Robin and Manny are being worst friends ever

Manny: Grabs Harry

Harry: but mama I wanna go to gay land

Manny: don't be gay son grabs Harry and takes to wonderland

Robin: Feels excluded

Harry: ha

Roy: breathing

Harry: he spoke omg

Manny: U broke outta roleplay

Robin: cries

Manny: Harry U made him cry

Harry: am sorry

Robin: apology NAWT accepted

Harry: pls Robin am so sorry

Manny: guys pls

Robin: U hurt my feelings

Harry: I'm so sorry hug

Robin: cry U hurt my feeling

Harry: so did u


Harry: please Manny cries

Robin: cries


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