We use the paparazzi for our own purposes

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"Okay.." Benedict said as I could tell he was speculating me becuse of my facial expression.

Truth is I had an awesome idea. I would show the paparazzi what they wanted but at the same time satisfy Ben I guess.

Even though this is going to look like I take total advantadge of him, I'm doing it for his own good, It will show the paparazzi what they want and they will leave him alone, FINALLY. I lead him out the door with my hand. I still have my sunglasses on, I really don't want anyone finding out who I am because I do want to still have a life like Benedict said before.

When we walk outside the paparazzi storms, I jog a little into an alley way and push him up against a wall and Kiss him with A LOT of passion. I feel him kissing back, Benedict comes off the wall pushing me backwards onto the other wall. I feel as if it is just me and him. I think he does too because I here paparazzi snapping pictures, but I don't care. Benedict brings me to my knees when he kisses me.

I pull back from the kiss and say

"I think this alley way is getting crowded" I said as I laughed.

I pull his hand out of the alley way and onto the street, and I peck his lips.

"Wasn't that fun?" I said

"Yea, I guess? It's fun showing the paparazzi that we don't care, lets do it again, like right now because there kinda coming towards us." he states.

This time he pulls my hand into an alleyway and pushes me up against the brick wall. He kisses me so passionately that I only pull him tighter laughing a little bit because of all the paparazzi.

An alarm goes off on his watch in the middle of our little makeout session.

"Time to get back to set." He whispers in my ear dissappointingly.

We walk out of the alleyway holding hands and race to his motorbike. I, of course, get on the back after slipping on a helmet.

I COULD FINALLY take off my sunglasses once we got back to set, I put hoodie on and slipped the hood over my head because it was so cold! But Benedict came over and told me he would be done in about an hour.

I think I am falling for Benedict.

One hour later, on the dot, Ben comes from makeup dressed in his original khaki shorts, tight blue v neck, black cardigan, navy blue scarf, and black converse. God my boyfriend is hot.

He grabs my waist and kisses me on the head leading me to his motorbike we started talking

"So did you watch ALL the shooting today?"Ben asked

"I watched most of it, some I was actually in it. Moffat needed extras to walk across the street, so I just walked across the street like a couple 100 times." I replied

"Thats great! I guess I should get you home?" asked Benedict

"Sure, But this time we will both be having to wear sunglasses, not just me." I smile

"Sounds fair enough." He laughs as we hop onto his motorbike.

A few minutes later we stop at a restaurant and grab chinese takeout. We were going just to chill in my dorm, because my roommate had classes untill 12:00P.M. and also we have a suite so yeah, also Benedict wants to see my room. YAY! Good thing I made my bed the other day.

Riding on the motorbike was fun, in our helmets we had little microphones so e could talk.

"So what do you think of my ride?" Ben asked

"I love it! I've never ridden on a motorbike before! It's so cool! And also the driver is a pretty good one." I smile at myself for that one.

"Good! and of course the driver is awesome!" He chuckles.

I feel so simple with Benedict around. everything is just so easy with him, talking, moving, breathing, everything. I mean I know for a fact I am falling for Benedict now.

*Benedict's Point of View*

I love having Olive behind me on my motorbike. She is amazing. I was excited to see her dorm, It was another part of her that he hadn't met yet and he was excited to. Also today she had made him feel so alive playing with the paparazzi like that, of course I hadn't noticed that they were even there. Kissing olive was like the world melting away. All the stress of my life went away when we were together. I think I am falling for Olive. Tomorrow I have a red carpet appearence, I should take her!

"Olive,"He said through the mics on their helmets,"I have a red carpet appearence tomorrow night and I wanted to know if you would like to join me?" I asked

"I would, I would love too!" She said excitedly.

I was definitely falling for Olive.

A/N: completely unedited. I apologize for any mechanical errors.

Benedict and MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora