Chapter 5: This is so gayy

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Katie's P.O.V.:

Sarah and I totally didn't expect this coming around. Mostly, I was the one who didn't expect this to happen. I told myself earlier that I'd allow myself to get wasted since it's already summer and I only got a year more to go before I finally graduate from my fucking hellish highschool.

Yeah, I may be one of the popular kids in school but believe me, just like anybody else who goes to school everyday, it's freaking hellish. It drains everything in me. Aaron Carpenter drains everything in me. Wait what?

No way. I think I just said that because I can currently see him, through my peripheral vision, walking towards our direction. His face was pretty serious and a lot handsome.

Oh my gosh! Am I crazy?

Sarah and I were talking something really hilarious about the evil queen bee when I spotted that they are just inches away from the stall we're sitting at.

"Here comes trouble..." I mumble a little bit loudly so as Sarah could hear. She looked up to who I was referring to and found the piercing eyes Cameron has for her. I kept my head low and didn't bother to look up when Aaron placed his hand on one of my shoulder making me jump out of from my seat. "What the fuck do you want, asshole?" I shoved his hand away.

"Hey! You don't have to be mean you know." Aaron retorted. "I just want to talk to you." He continued.

"Well, I don't want to talk to you. There's nothing we should talk about right?" I screamed at him.

I was giving Aaron death glares but from my left eye, I could see Cam and Sarah walking away from us; thus, leaving me and Aaron alone.

"I think there is one thing." He replied whilst clenching his jaw, telling me that he is trying to whatever disastrous feelings he is currently having. "Now, if you would kindly obey, follow me so that we could talk this shit out."

Being the stubborn girl that I am, I rolled my eyes at him and folded my arms. "I'm not your pet, Aaron. My mind works depending on how I want it to function. You can't and will never be able to control it. I will never ..." I was cut mid sentence as Aaron Carpenter scooped me up from the floor, placed me on his left shoulder with his left arm holding tightly half of my body to prevent me from falling and with my head facing his butt.

"Aaron put me down!" I shouted repeatedly while trying to punch his back.

We walked through the crowd of sweaty bodies grinding at each other. "Somebody help me!" I pleaded but they were too busy grinding to notice us, to notice me trying to struggle away from Aaron.

30 seconds later, we were out from his house. The cold summer air bit my skin sending tingles to every part of my body. "Aaron put me down, please." I pleaded to him for the nth time. This time my voice wasn't harsh because I was tired of continuously shouting for him to let me down.

"5 more seconds, sweetheart."

"5, 4, 3,  now, put me down, Aaron!" I wriggled my hips as Aaron chuckled whilst putting me down.

"What are you laughing at, dickhead?" Frowning, I asked him as I try to clean the creases of line that was evident in my pale blue skirt.

"You should thank me." He plainly said. His back was facing me as he was opening some door that leads to a stock room.

"And why would I?" I retorted back.

"Because I brought you out of boredom and you got to feel my muscular biceps for free." He looked at me with wriggling eyebrows.

"Ha ha. I'd rather talk to my bestfriend the whole year rather than get stuck up with you for an hour." I replied bitterly. "And it's not only you who got lucky, because you also got to feel my breasts." I smirked at him but it didn't only took five seconds for it to fade because he walking towards my direction, leaving only centimeters between our faces.

"I haven't felt it. I thought you didn't have breasts even." He licked his lips and went back opening the door to of the stock room.

"What the fuck, Aaron? Did you just insult me?" I spite. My eyebrows scrunched in disbelief.

"Just sayin' the truth." He raised his arms in defeat.

"Gosh, you're unbelievable! Why am I even here with you? Oh right, because you wanted to talk to me. But I think you're just really using that lame excuse to insult me." I folded my arms and let out a deep breath.

Instead of replying, Aaron just shot me a look. I raised my eye to him and bit my lips.

"Get inside." He instructed.

I don't know what came into me but I went in with him trailing behind me. I sat on one of the dusty wooden boxes, with my legs crossed and arms folded.

"Are we okay?" Aaron asked after shutting the door.

"Are we okay?" I mocked with a little exaggeration.

"I'm serious."

"You should know the answer to that."

"What did I do?"

"Really, Aaron? You didn't know 'what you did'?" Face palming, I stood up from my seat in disbelief

"I know what I did, I just want to make sure."

"You're freaking unbelievable! You're so gay!" I pointed a finger to his chest. I'm really mad right now.

He didn't reply again. But instead he just looked at me. His face was puzzled. Yeah, it was. But it was extremely attractive to look at too. My cheeks started to redden. He doesn't seem to notice. But that puzzled face of his is distracting me from getting angry at him. The mad feeling is slowly dissolving because that puzzled face of his makes me wanna laugh.

"Don't you dare give me that look." I demanded, trying to suppress my laugh.

"What look?" He asked, still with the same facial expression.

Shit, he's so cute.

"That look!" I pointed out. Since I can't contain it anymore so I laugh my heart out.

"Are you okay?" He asked, patting my back repeatedly as I laughed endlessly.

Gosh, i'm really drunk.

"You're crazy." He joined laughing with me.

"I think I am." I bit my lip as I slowly stopped laughing.

"Are you okay now?" He asked,  chuckling lightly.

"I guess we are okay now." I replied with a smile tugged on my lips.

And just like that. My feeling of bitterness towards him was gone. I was not mad nor angry at him anymore. He made me laugh so hard, that I forgot the pain of seeing him with somebody else.


This was... i know what you didn't expected but Aaron is frckin cute i cannooot.

Back to Sarah's POV yeah?

All the love,
Marie x

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