Chapter 1

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Phil once had a life every teenager dreamed of, everything was in perfect order. Great parents, prestigious school, and wonderful friends. Yes, everything was exactly the way it should be. That was until his parents made one decision that turned his whole world upside down. Like a snow globe, they had shaken everything up until everything was everywhere.

"Phil, we can talk to you?" Phil had just walked in the door and the first thing he noticed were his parents sitting on the sofa, both wearing equally uneasy and strained expressions. It was never good when they gave him that look. He quickly tried to think back to the last bad thing he'd done, he couldn't be in trouble could he?

"Sure, can I change first?" He asked, glancing down at his tie and blazer. He didn't exactly like the uniforms at Eastbrook Prep. So the first thing he always did when he got in from class was change into something else.

"No, no this is important. It can wait." His mother said, her eyes full of something Phil hadn't seen before. He felt himself go into panic mode. Something wasn't right but he didn't have a clue what it could be. He set his bag down by the door and hurried to stand in front of them.

"Did Grandma die!?" He blurted out. He knew he sounded silly but he hated how they were being all serious business with him. "What about Grandpa?!"

"" His father sighed, his look of worry changing to one of exasperation. "They're both fine. This is about school, we want to transfer you." Transfer? What was wrong with the school he was at, he'd been going there since middle school, he loved Eastbrook, why would they want him to leave?

"I don't understand, why would I transfer anywhere...are we moving?" Phil flopped down into one of the chairs, his brain trying to come up with any reason at all that he'd have to change schools.

"Honey, Eastbrook Prep is an omega only school and we're starting to wonder if that's the best place for you now." His mother spoke up, hands in her laps as she tried to break the news gently. "Your dad and I think we've done you a huge disservice by sending you there for so long."

What were they talking about? Phil cocked his head to the side, neither of them were making any sense and he was getting tired of missing the point. "I'm an omega." He said slowly and a maybe a bit condescendingly. "And as omega I'm generally pretty happy there."

"Yes, we're aware." His father sighed, leaning to rest his elbows on his knees. "But you're seventeen now and...have you even talked to an alpha before?"

Phil's eyes widened and his face heated up as he started to sputter. "Of course I-I have, what are you...I've...I've uh talked to one before!"

"We're not trying to embarrass you!" His mother hurried to say, giving the man next to her a sideways glance. "We're only worried that...that maybe you don't really have...Oh dear." She trailed off, not sure how to convey her thoughts to her only son.

"What your mother is trying to say is that you're getting older and you need to socialize more with alphas and betas. We know you like Eastbrook but it's good to have a diverse group of people you associate with and it's just not happening there."

"Oh so this is because I'm not bonded yet?" Phil said softly, his eyes glancing downwards. He didn't even think he could look at his parents the moment. It was like they were trying to marry him off or something.

"It's not that, we don't care if you ever get bonded. We just want to give you every option you have. You haven't even taken an interest in finding somebody." His mother wasn't trying to pressure Phil. She truly was trying to open every door for him. "Do you...know how to act in front of an alpha dear?" She added gently, standing up and heading over to place a hand on his shoulder.

"I go to an omega prep school, a majority of what we do is learn how to attract alphas." He shook his head, silently shrugging her hand away. "You really aren't going to do this are you?"

"Phil, we're both betas. There is a lot we don't understand because of our dynamics. Which means sometimes we don't always know what to do for our omega son." His father sighed as he stood up to join his wife. "But we're trying and we're going to take a chance on this. We just hope that you try too. No matter what happens, at least you'll get a chance to interact with a person who isn't an omega."

"I interact with you and you're both betas." His mother laughed almost sadly.

"It's not the same and you know it. We'll give it six months alright, if you don't like you can go right back to Eastbrook and graduate there. Deal?"

Phil didn't like disagreeing with his parents, even if he didn't think they were right. He figured the least he could do was try. Maybe going to a mixed dynamics school wouldn't be so bad. Even so his stomach twisted painfully at the thought.

" where am transferring?" He asked with a soft sigh. 'This is a bad idea.' He thought to himself but when his parents eyes lit up he knew he couldn't go back on it. 'Six months, that's all you have to do.' It was like being sentenced to some kind of hell prison.

"Westville Academy." His father answered happily, clapping Phil on the shoulder. His heart sunk, he'd heard the horror stories about Westville Academy. Everyone had, he even knew a few teachers who shuddered when the school was mentioned. Admittedly though most of them just claimed that it was harder to manage to a mixed school.

"What no, anywhere but there!" Phil shook his head, they couldn't send him there. "They'll eat me alive!"

"Phil, that's a good school. Lots of people who have gone to great universities have graduated from there. People make up stories about it because they've never been to a mixed dynamics school. It's going to be fine."

"That and it's the only place in our district, we tried getting you in a couple other places but we lived to far." His father added and Phil's mouth fell open. "Just joking!" He laughed, holding up his hands defensively. Sadly though he was telling the truth.

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