Chapter 6

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It wasn't hard to tell which house was the one hosting the party. Tons of cars were parked outside and the music could almost be heard from outside. Phil was thankful that he wasn't their neighbors. As soon as they stepped inside Phil could smell the cigarette smoke and another kind of smoke, something that he was entirely less familiar with. "Hey, I'm going to go find Jeff." Dan said before taking off.

Phil glanced at Chris and PJ, wanting to take their lead. He didn't know anybody and that was a bit unnerving. "Want a drink?" Chris asked, grabbing onto Phil's hand and pulling him in the rest of the way.

"A drink would be nice." Phil agreed, letting himself be tugged towards the kitchen. People greeted the other two as they passed, it was clear that everyone seemed right at home. All but Phil. Suddenly it didn't feel so fun anymore.

Chris had apparently been there before, he opened the fridge and pulled out a couple beers, passing them out before shutting it again. "Community booze." He laughed with a shrug. He pulled the tab and took a drink. Phil hesitated before following suite.

Now was probably not the best time to admit he'd never drank either. He was starting to realize there were a handful of things he hadn't done. He was pleasantly surprised when he hide his disgusted face, so beer wasn't as good as everyone said it was. Still Phil did his best to drink it down.

Soon enough PJ left to find Dan and it was just him and Chris. They had another beer and somehow Chris had talked him into doing a couple shots.

"Oh God it's worse than the beer." Phil sputtered, as he looked around for anything to chase away taste of straight vodka. Chris clapped him on the back before handing Phil his open can of beer. "How do you drink this stuff?" Chris laughed before pouring another around.

"Hey it gets better, the first couple of shots are always the worse!" This time it was a darker liquid that somehow tasted worse than the last. "Better?!" Chris shouted over the music as he slammed his shot glass down on the table.

Phil shook his head, taking another swig of beer. "It's worse!" Chris laughed loudly again as he grabbed another bottle of something blue.
"You'll like this one!" Phil shook his head but it was too late, Chris was already pushing the drink towards him. "Come on, it's like fruity or something." Phil did everything he could not to smell the drink as he forced himself to down it as well. "Alright, I can tell you hate it, let's go find Dan and PJ!" Chris called out as Phil finished what was left of his beer, still hoping the awful taste would vanish.

They two vacated the kitchen in search of better things, those things just happening to be the two alphas. It took a couple of minutes but Phil was starting to feel the alcohol. Suddenly the situation wasn't so scary, he didn't care if he didn't know anybody and the music was much better than before.

"Is it hot in here?" Phil asked as Chris pulled him along.

"No, it's probably just the shots, they'll do that." While the two searched the house they seemed to find everyone but who they were looking for. They ran into at least four of Chris friends but Phil didn't mind. They were funny and he was feeling much more open. They could get him to giggle and blush as they complimented him.

"Chris hey! Who's your friend?" Someone called out from the crowed. The two stopped and turned around to see who'd been yelling for Chris.

"Jeff! Hey man it's nice to see you, great party!" Chris greeted, throwing his arms around the brown haired alpha. His jaw was squared off and he had the greenest eyes Phil had ever seen. Lean and tall with just the right amount of muscle, Phil was instantly hooked. "This is Phil, he just transferred to Westville." Chris nudged Phil closer and the alpha laughed, holding out his hand.

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