Chapter nigh

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By the time that Caleb made his way back to school the day, night, was almost over. The school grounds where awfully quiet, almost to0oquiet for a high school Caleb thought but it could be just his nerves talking as he had never done anything like this before. Caleb looks for any sign of people before sneaking in same way that he had snuck out, the back door, once he was inside Caleb let out a small sigh of relief he was going to make it.

The hall way was empty and it had an eerie feel to it. Caleb shivered due to how creped out he was, goose bumps ran up and down his body as he stood taking in the atmosphere. He felt as if he was in a horror where the monster is the unrespecting geeky kid, who attacks his victim in the hallway but instead of being attacked Caleb would just get reported to the headmaster and then he would have to face the wrath of his farther when he went home. The Argument flashed though Caleb’s mind bring a smile to his face, any attention from his farther would be nice even if he telling him off for skipping school, at least he cared enough to yell at him.

“Hey Kay, feeling better?” Caleb twisted to see a rather please with himself Scott walking toward him.

“Yeah, I just came into see if we got any home work” he lied and Scott knew that but he had to in case anyone was listening

 “Well aren’t you the model student” he laughed back at him, the end of school bell went and the halls started to slowly fill behind Scott. People fanned out darting in and out of each other in all different directions, Caleb pushed his way to his locker hoping that today wouldn’t get any more eventful than it already had but with Scott around that could never happen.

“So how’d it go?” Scott stood excitedly next to him, eagerly waiting to hear all about Caleb’s jaw dropping sign up. Just thinking about all those men rushing to sign up after he had brought a smile to his face and he felt a certain joy that came from nowhere that he couldn’t explain. How as he going to explain to Scott what happened, he couldn’t

“Good” he said and automatically he felt like an idiot, that wasn’t the right word at all

“Good?” Scott was caught of guard by Caleb’s short blunt answer and his sudden change of tune

“Yeah Good!” Caleb grinned back, removing the last few books from his locker and dropping them clumsily in to his bag, Caleb and Scott stood grinning at each other like a pair of morons but Scott was really waiting for some more information. When Caleb was done both boys walked to the front of the school and waited for their cars.

Caleb could feel the tension between them, it made his skin crawl to think that Scott was disappointed with him. Scott knew him better than most but they seemed so far apart, after a few moments of silence Caleb could take it anymore.

“so…. You goanna sign up?” he asks breaking what seems to be the Ice Berge that sunk the Titanic. Scott squired at the question.

“I don’t know if I should” Scott squirms at the question, unsure of what to say Caleb stands in silence. “I mean am I really the military type” This made Caleb laugh

“Hey! If we can make it through the great war we can handle a bunch of rebels” Caleb couldn’t tell weather Scott was buying his encouragement but he had to try something

“Yeah” Scott laughed “I guess your right” with that Scotts farther pulled up in the back of his new sleek white BMW 300 T sires.

“See ya tomorrow Kay” Scott shouted to him, his voice muffled by the roar of the engine, Caleb nodded and found himself alone again but soon enough his farther black limo pulled up and he was on his way home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2013 ⏰

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