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"See ya boobs."

Dan leans back in his seat with an exhaled, "Yayyy," dragging the word out as he reclines. There's a short pause until Arin asks from beside him, "Did I just call our fans 'boobs'?"

Barely managing to stifle a smile, Dan pauses for dramatic effect before saying, "I don't think they'll have a problem with being called the greatest thing in the world."

He says it with such a serious tone that Arin's only response is a murmured, "Oh shit," before they both smile and crack up snickering at each other's nonsense. Dan reaches over to stop the recording equipment while Arin pencils in the stop time beside the time that they started. Once done, they fall back against the sofa and drink in the comfortable silence filling up between them, both at ease with leaving the air empty of their words and bodies unwilling to move onwards to recording more videos for the day.

Feeling his eyes drift shut briefly, Dan runs a hand through his hair to mess with the curls, sending them askew as he messes with them. His hair falls across his face and he peers through the soft locks lazily, thinking about nothing in particular. He just feels content; in a weird way he feels both grounded and like he's floating simultaneously, his soul content with everything in that moment and it's almost overwhelming as it is a comforting weight of knowledge to know.

Arin, of course, breaks the moment by nonchalantly informing Dan, "I've had a fart brewing for the past couple of minutes but it won't come out."

Cracking up into hysterics, Dan kneels forward, his lanky form bending over as he grabs at his stomach. It was such a beautiful and peaceful moment but he's not surprised that Arin would break it in such a manner, and through his hiccupping laughs he manages to reply, "Dude, so gross."

When he looks over towards Arin he's smiling, his head resting against his palm. He's watching Dan and his smile has that softness to it that shines through as adoration in his eyes. Dan's laughs subside and he ends up simply smiling back dopily at Arin, still bent over with his hair falling onto his face but it's a beautiful moment again, that feeling of contentment returning like the gentle wash of waves across a beaches shore. He just wants to stay this way and admire Arin for a while, take in the details of his face and bask in the glow of his quirky personality that fits so well with Dan's.

"You okay there dude?" Arin asks, his eyebrow quirking up in curious amusement, his lip curling up into the same expression. Dan grins back at him and sits up, running his hand back through his hair and ruffling the curls to put them back into place.

"I'm good man. Really good," he replies, glancing over towards Arin again. He can't help himself, his friend is captivating. Arin hums in response and reaches for the controller, passing it over towards Dan who takes it from him and rests it in his lap.

"Wanna keep playing?" Arin inquires and Dan shrugs with a smile, leaving Arin to lean forward to start up the recording equipment again. Dan doesn't mind playing a few more games; the game itself, A Link Between Worlds, is a fun game and if playing more of it and recording episodes means spending more time with his best friend, then he'll keep playing for however long he can.


Eventually they call it a day and stop recording episodes, both ready to relax and let the day end. Dan rises from the sofa in a stretch, his arms reaching up above his head as his body is tenses and then relaxes again, going from taut to slack in a matter of moments. His shoulders drop lazily and he holds out his hand towards Arin to help him up from the sofa, not that he really needs the help but it's a nice offer all the same. Arin slips his hand within Dan's and holds tightly while he hauls himself up from the sofa. Dan can't help but squeeze his hand before letting go.

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