im in love

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Today is the day the day I go to Jason house ok I took a shower put perfume on polished my nail put on makeup umm what else oh lipstick and I have to brush my teeth .so I went to the bathroom and brush my teeth than I got dressed really pretty with my haired curled then I herd a ding dong.I answered the door excitedly" hey Jason " but it was Dylan . Then Dylan said " oh should I leave or is he picking you up " I said " well his parent are gone mine are up stairs so we are going to his house me and my boyfriend. " then he said " oh well hope you don't have have fun " the I walked right by him well because Jason showed up . Then Jason grabed my hand and kissed me we were already of to a great start then he said " are you stole dating him " gladly I said no then he kissed me one more time right in front of Dylan . Then my mom came down stairs and saw me with Jason and not Dylan she said " why is she kissing that really cute boy he said " we broke up yesterday so she is dating him " then he walked away . A few min later we showed up at Jason house and omg it was huge then he said lets go to my room or we can go to the theater .I said no we have to drive he said no its in my basement. So we walked down there well he ran and I was carried. Then I herd a ding dong so I told him we went to the door together and guise what it was umm Dylan he followed us here ." can I join you " he said of course we both said " no " then we closed the door with his foot and said " he will hurt you " I said " I don't give a fuck the I walked away with Jason but of coarse that was after we closed the door . Then he took my hand and he took me up stairs to his room and he said " I love you " omg you should of seen me I blushed so much .

Then I said I love you to then he kissed me and then he handed me a blanket he turned in the tv and then we snuggled up together .

The next day I woke up and I was stole at Jason house but I felt wiered mire powerful so I went to the mirror and I saw a bite mark . So I yelled Jason he said " yes bae" I said " umm why did you turn me into a vampire " he said " cause vampires don't grow up humans do and I want to be with you forever ". I couldn't be mad at him after he said that so I went back in the bed with him then my phone rang . It was my mom " honey here are you are you okay I have been calling you are you hurt . I started laughing " no mom I'm fine I just stayed the night with e my new boyfriend .weirdly my mom said " ok that's fine "like omg I was so surprised she didn't go out on me . She didn't let me hang or stay out with Dylan for a few hours but she lets me stay the night with Jason .

I told Jason to come home with me to meet my people " yes sure " he said . So he took me home and came in " mom dad Jake this is Jason Jason this is my mom dad and brother " then I showed Jason the house and my room I was embarrassed because it wasn't as big as his house . So we went to my room the I herd a clicking noise again and same thing as last time it was Dylan I went down stairs and I didn't see him so I looked around and I here's a branch then he grabbed me and took me to the side of the house because Jason was stole up stairs .Dylan told me to be careful cause he's not like Dylan he's mean at the end nice at first . I ignored him he grabed me on the wrist and pulled me back " he will drink all of your blood " I laughed and left .

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