For You

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The cold summer night breeze went inside the room as I opened the window. I sat on my desk and opened my laptop, smiling. Knowing that I'd get a chance to talk to her today... Again.

Have you ever felt like, you just met someone and you instantly felt comfortable around them? Like you've been talking for 30 minutes but it felt like you've known them forever?

That's what I felt for her.

Her penname is Sunshine. Everyone's curious what her true name is, she gets a lot of messages in her message board asking for her name. But she never responded to them.

She remains a mystery. Not just to me, but to all of her readers.

She writes stories and I write poems. We were two different worlds. But we found each other in the vast sea of people. Some call it fate, some call it destiny.

I was always a fan of her books, they were just like my poems that were made into a story.

She writes heart-heavy stories and I write sad love poems, that's probably why I love her books, I relate to them. I always felt like, she's spying on my life. There are some scenes in the book that's almost the same as to what had happened in my life.

She responds to every comment of her readers. The way that she responds to them is in contrast with her writings. They were lively, the type of response that would make you smile.

Ever since the day that I stumbled upon one of her books called, "Unspoken." I decided to follow her and 9 days after I followed her, she messaged me.


Sunshine : Hey, thank you for reading Unspoken, Taylor!
I really hope that you loved it. Its a little personal to me and by the way, I read your book. I love the poems that you're writing. Every line is heartfelt. I am looking forward to read more from you. (:

Of course, when I read her message for the first time. I couldn't believe it, my favorite author reading my work? That's amazing, that out of her 1.6k followers she read my book and messaged me. She has a lot messages spammed on her message board begging to read their books but, she read mine and I just innocently followed and vote for her work.
She even called me by my name which means that she read my profile description.

I felt giddy, like a fangirling giddy feeling. That I even found myself clicking the backspace numerous times because I'm afraid that my reply would be so weird that she might not respond after.

RedLipClassic : Is this even real? You've read my book? Oh my gosh! That means a lot to me! You're my favorite author ever! I really love unspoken. The character's best friend is kind of going through what I am going with my boyfriend right now and the main character sounds just like my best friend. Well of course except for the part that her best friend likes her! Unspoken is the best thing ever! I can feel the main characters love for her best friend but its kind of heart wrenching because she couldn't say it because her best friend loves someone else. And gosh you're such a fantastic author! And hey. I just noticed, every completed book of yours has a sad ending of the main character trying to let go but deep inside she's still holding on.

Sunshine is typing a message...


Sunshine : yep, I'm real okay? Hehe. Your book is really good, I don't understand why they don't get enough views or votes. They're underrated. I love every sentence in your poems, they tell a wonderful story behind every line. That's pure talent you know. And I'm glad you loved unspoken! I poured my heart out into that story. A lot of personal experience inspired me to write it. (:

For You (Kaylor)Where stories live. Discover now