Chapter 3

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RedLipClassic : tell me what 22-15-18-1-26-25-22-7-19 means.

RedLipClassic : Giraffe.

RedLipClassic : Girraaaafffeeee...

10: 57

RedLipClassic : what does it meannn?

RedLipClassic : is it your name?

RedLipClassic : I don't want to call you giraffe anymore, I read my message last night and I was so emotional then when I read the last word it says giraffe it spoiled the feels.

11: 36

RedLipClassic : (・_・) hello?


I sighed and stood up from the chair, walking over to the nightstand to grab my phone.

I checked on it, still...


8 days, 8hours, 27 minutes, 53 seconds.

Since the last time that I've heard of Karlie. And no words could ever capture how much I miss her.

I don't know if it's because of the fact that I am so used of being by her side or if its because of the fact that I am in love with her.

I launched myself onto the bed, burying my face on the pillow, when my phone rang. I lifted my head up a bit and turned my head sideways as I brought it up to my face to check my phone.


I sighed and swiped my screen to answer his call.

"Hey Tay, how are you? I miss you." He greeted with his calm voice, I closed my eyes and put the phone away from my ear before taking a deep sigh. My mind's racing with different thoughts, clustered, jumbled.

"I miss you too." I responded lazily, I didn't know why I said it, it was just like an automatic response. You just said it, but you never feel what you've just said.

"Anything wrong? You sound tired, love."

"A little," I lied, the fact is that everything's emotionally draining me. I don't know what to feel. Guilt? Sympathy? Anger? Loneliness?

Guilty for engaging in a relationship with Harry to fill up the void that's slowly consuming me because of my unspoken feelings?

Sympathy for the man who truly loves me more than himself?

Anger for making all of this mess up?

Or loneliness as I yearning to be with the one I truly love?

"I just need some rest I guess, I'll be fine."

"Are you sure? If you want to I can go over there and take care of you."

"No, its really okay. I don't want to bother you, Harry. I'll just take a nap maybe that would help me to feel a little better."

"Are you sure? I wouldn't mind going there, I promised your best friend to take care of you, I'm pretty sure once she know you're sick and I wasn't there for you she's going to kill me."


Of course.

I miss you...

"Harry, I'll be okay. I promise if it gets worst you'll be the first one to know."

"Okay, have a great nap then, Love. I love you."

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