Prologue - Introducing my annoying American neighbor

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Shool- That thing everybody needs ,but nobody wants. I mean what is the point of me being here anyway? I'm gonna sleep in all my classes anyhow and show up to all my tests unprepared ,it's a given.

"Yo Noshay!" oh yeah. That's why I'm here . I get to see all my friends again!

"Hey guys!! What's up? I'm so bummed we couldn't hang out this vacation ,I missed you guys so much!" I said while I managed to grab both of my best friends and practically forced them into a group hug.

"Nosh, let go!!" Cher groaned , " It's not our fault you managed to get yourself grounded for the ENTIRE break. Like who even does that?!"

"I'm telling you I was framed!"
I swear I was , I mean it's obvious that I was framed if I'm the supposed guilty one ,but I don't know what the actual flying cheese cake happened!

"Yeah suuuure" Daniel raised his brows skeptically...That loser ,he's supposed to be on my side.

"Look I'm telling you I was either framed or I got really really drunk and forgot everything that happened...and you both know I don't drink"

"Yeah yeah ,so who do you think did it?" Daniel asked. Ah I knew he'd come around.

"You mean who do I KNOW did it? Well that's obvious. It was my new good for nothing neighbor. Not only did I suspect it ,but he TOLD me he did it too. Goodness! Just because he comes from another country he thinks he can do just as he pleases , I mean he's been tormenting me this entire break! If it wasn't this it was that. Can't he go and irritate someone his own gender?! ..."


"I mean there wasn't a day that he didn't try to prank me or hurt me or get me in trouble..."

"Noshy babe you might wanna..."

"And yeah he is hot as hell so his presence wasn't exactly unwanted ,but I mean putting the eye candy aside and everything he could've just asked for my cooperation. WHY DID HE NEED TO FRAME ME?!?!"

"You think I'm hot?" oh. no. Please don't be him...please please PLEASE don't be him.

I turn around slowly and come face to face with the single person who has made my entire break a living hell...


"Nope. Apparently I'm hot as hell ,nice to meet you." he winks at me...He freaking winks at me. I swear I've never ever wished that the ground could swallow me up as much as I wish it now.

Damn that flutter in my stomach.
Yeah the guy aggravates me to no end ,but there is one thing that was evident to me since I met him...he has a major affect on me and I might be developing a teeny tiiiiiiny teeny crush on him ,but I'll be damned if he ever finds out ,cause not only am I pretty sure that he doesn't feel the same way ,but in between all the arguments and teasing this vacation we actually managed to become somewhat of friends and I will not be the one to make things awkward between us ,thank you very much.

"Ugh shut your mouth Connor ,it was a moment of mental disability" insults. Always a good defense mechanism.
Wait... did I just manage to insult myself? Dammit!! maybe they won't notice?

In an instant they all started laughing at me and loudly might I add ,like drawing a crowd loud.

"Wow I don't even have to insult you Nosh Posh ,you do it for me! " he taunts.

"Don't call me that!!" Geez if I told him once I've told him a thousand times.

"Only you Noshy" Daniel laughs ,while Cher is chuckling beside him ...ah you gotta love your best friends.

"Anyway!" I interrupt their little laugh fest "Danny ,Cher meet Connor. My irritating new American neighbor...also known as the newest member of our group"

"Nice to meet you!"
"Thank goodness I'm not the only guy anymore!!"

Well you can practically guess who said what.

"Aw Danny-Boy ,couldn't you handle us two girls on your own anymore? " Cher said with a fake pout on her lips.

Next thing I know someone's arm is draped over my shoulders. "It's okay man , I'll lessen your load ,you can have Cher and I'll take Nosh Posh ..." He winks at me. AGAIN. I swear he's unknowingly taunting me. Speaking of taunting ...I feel that flutter in my stomach again ,I should seriously check that out.

"You know so that I can get to know her better and we can become the bestest friends ever!!" He said in a mock high pitched girly voice.

okay yeah. Bestest friends ever. Joke or not ,he is DEFINITELY not gonna find out about my feelings now.

Okay so in this chapter Noshay and her friends are in Senior year ONLY the prologue will be in this time ,the rest of the book will be five years from then when they are all young adults (23 years). I only wrote the prologue like this so that you guys can get like an idea on how Noshay and Connor met.

Sorry if this was sucky guys I've been out of the writing game for a while so I'm practically new at this all over again. Nevertheless I hope you enjoy it!!
Sorry for the mistakes though!!

Please comment ,like and add to your library cause I would love to have you part of Noshay and Connors journey!!

Love Janoulla ;)

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