Chapter 4

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Daniel's POV

There's no point in lying, that Sunday Nicholas and I went shopping I totally fell for him.

Yeah, I know I'm creepy. I have only known him for a day and yet his smile was so enchanting that I couldn't stop myself anymore. I liked his long black hair, that was now shining in the daylight and looked soft to the touch. And with his small frame, adorable face and dark brown eyes it was impossible not to like him. Yes, he was 13 years younger than me, and I didn't know much about his life, but I was determined to change that. I wanted to know everything about him, and wanted him to feel the same way about me. He didn't look as if he usually smiled a lot, but that day we were shopping together he was laughing all the time, and it made me think that maybe he liked me too. At least a little.

He didn't have any documents with him, no ID, nothing, and he wanted to get a job to pay for half of our future living expenses, so we had to take care of that. I told him I could take care of him, but he insisted on getting a job and helping me with money. I couldn't say no to those eyes, so I took him down to the city administration to retrieve a copy of his birth certificate and a certificate of citizenship. We also had to go to the police to fill out the forms for a new ID. The nice woman at the counter told us to come back in a few weeks to pick up the ID and I saw how much that meant to Nicholas. I was glad he was starting to live again, and I was glad I was partly responsible for this new turn of events.

In the first week of us living together we haven't gone out much. Only to the supermarket and twice for a walk. I usually didn't like to walk around aimlessly, but with him, it felt so natural and relaxing. And my 33. birthday was coming up in three days. I planned on celebrating it with my friends, but since Nick came into the picture I wanted him to be there too. And I haven't actually told him when my birthday was. I only told him that I was going to be 33 in a week and a half when we met. But he probably forgot about that, with all the changes happening in his life.

Nicholas' POV

Today, Daniel took me to the city administration to retrieve my documents and to make a new ID at the police station. They said my ID would be done in a few weeks so I had to wait with getting a job. I wanted to feel like I was of use to him, since he was so kind as to let me stay at his apartment, so I though getting a job would be appropriate.

And I'm not going to lie. After the Sunday he helped me and took me to his home, something in me changed. I was used of being cautious around people, but when he was around, my fears of getting hurt and used again were fading away. I started to maybe like him a little. I know it was only a day since I've known him, but he was so kind and also gorgeous. I liked his green eyes and his fluffy, brown hair. He also had a killer jawline. And his body was really muscular. I know that he is 13 years older than me, but still. I couldn't help the way I started to feel.

He probably even forgot that he told me about his birthday, or he maybe thought that I didn't care. I did care. And a week already passed. I didn't know when was it exactly, but I saw a date marked on the calendar so I supposed his birthday was then. It was in three days. I'm going to surprise him. I only hope that he likes it.

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