Chapter 4

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-First Impressions-

To say my mother was shocked was an understatement. Her initial response had been a definite no. She tried to reason that I was too sick to fly, espically all the way to London. She had also been worried about school. I graduate in a month. I had promised to take exams online, and strangely, both her and the school had said it would be ok. But then there was still Uni. Would I go to school in London? I wasn't sure.

I was also kind of scared.

You see, I live in Australia, and yeah, for someone who's never been out of the country before, it's a pretty big deal flying to London.

Yeah, I was 17, and had never been out of the country. Big deal.

But after convincing my mother that I had got my voice back, and I was healthy enough to leave, my mother had reluctantly agreed.

I was estatic.

Here I was,sitting on the plane,(in first class,may I add) waiting for take off. What would London be like?

Defiently rainy. I knew that much from TV shows.

I slid my sunglasses off, and pulled out my i-pod.

Nobody Compares by One Direction started playing and I smiled,drifting off to sleep.

In a matter of mere hours, I would be meeting my idols, and maybe even making it big, halfway across the world.


Slowly my eyes flew open, as a speaker went over the announcement.

"Prepare for landing, the temperature in London is currently -8 degrees, and it is 12:02am. Thank-you for flying with quantas, enjoy your day".

I mentally groaned.

Nothing in my suitcase would be warm enough.


Go shopping.

The plane started to slowly descend.

I gripped the arm rests. Most people said taking off, and landing were the best parts, but I loathed them.

We hit the ground and I yelped. How embarrassing.

Making my way off the plane, I searched for the Limo modest management had said would be waiting for me when I arrived.

Who knew modest management could be nice?

I giggled silently, as I spied a sign with my name on it.

"Well hello", I greeted the driver.

"Are you Lila?".

"Well yes, I think I might just be", I laughed.

"A pleasure to meet you", he said, holding out his hand.

I shook my head, pulling him into a hug. He looked taken a back, but slowly, he hugged me back.

"Let's get going, shall we?"

I nodded, sliding into the backseat of the Limo.

He started the car, and we were off.

"So, whats your name?", I asked enthusastically.

"Tim", he grunted.

"Am I offending you in some way", I asked shocked.

"Uh,no, sorry, I'm just very tired".

I nodded and our conversation halted.

We came to a stop at the back of a hotel.

"Now, go on in, and get reception to call room 132, and tell them Lila's here".

I nodded,slowly getting out of the car.

I watched the Limo drive away, before turning around to head inside, or at least that had been my intention.

I had smacked into someone's chest, who had been leaving the hotel.

That's weird. Who leaves a hotel, via the back door?

I looked up, into eyes of blue.


His hand clamped over my mouth.

"Please don't scream my name, I'll give you anything you want, an autograph, a photo, tickets to my show".

I giggled into his hand.

"What's so funny?", he asked confused, letting his hand drop.

"Niall, it's me, pretty youtube girl", I said, trying to jog his memory.

"Oh my god, it is", he shouted, pulling me into a tight Horan hug.

A/N. Vote&Comment(: love you guys(:

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