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Neko!Eren and Owner!Levi AU. In this world, nekos are slaves and Levi is a wealthy business man who is about to get a new Neko.

Also Ima try 1st person for a bit. Tell me how it is!

Warning: Maybe a bit OOC Eren, at least at first.

Edit: In this Levi is still 5'3, but my head cannon is nekos are short, so Eren is 5'1 (tall for a neko)

Levi P.O.V.

I sighed, leaning my head back. I was in a car with my assistant, Hanji. We were on our way to The Survey Corp Holding, where I could buy a neko.

I honestly trusted nekos less than I trusted a crocodile. My brother and sister were both murdered by a rabid neko, and that leaves a bad impression on you. The only reason I was getting one was because Hanji was going off to test some new equipment.

As the head of Titan Inc, the leading company in home protection, I had massive amounts of work to do. Hence why I have Hanji. She did the menial work so I could focus on the more important things. Unfortunately, that means while she's gone I'd have to find someone else.

Due to the lack if time - and an accident a couple years back that totally wasn't my fault - I couldn't hire a human. This stuck me with two options. I could, A, do the work myself, or B, buy a neko for the job.

As I've already said where I was going, you can guess which option won out.

"We're here!" Hanji squealed, jumping up and nearly tripping in her eagerness to get out. She always had an unhealthy obsession with nekos.

Sighing again, I paid the driver and carefully climbed out of the car. We were in front of a three story brick building with the words 'Servey Corps Neko Warehouse' printed in a dull green. Hanji had managed to go inside already, and I rolled my eyes.

Then something caught my eye. In the second story, curtains swayed, and I caught a glimpse of vibrant green eyes. They met mine, went wide with surprise, then disappeared behind he curtains again. A neko?

"Levi! Come on!" Hanji's voice broke me from my thoughts and I turned a glare on her. "I'm coming, I'm coming..." He muttered, hurrying over to the door where his excited assistant stood.

Inside, a blond man with gigantic fucking eyebrows grinned. "Hanji! I haven't seen you in a while." He started talking with Hanji, obviously forgetting me. I glanced at her, an eyebrow raised, but she was too busy talking to notice. Maybe the nekos weren't the only reason she dragged me here.

I wandered off a little ways, looking around. Everything was dirty. It looked like no one had dusted. Ever. I was too busy mentally cleaning to pay attention, and I ran into something.

"Tch. Watch it." I snapped, not bothering to see who it is. "Excuse me sir, but what are you doing here?" I rolled my eyes and looked down.

A neko stood in front of me. She was small, even for a neko. Maybe four feet tall, while most nekos are five feet. She had blond hair and white cat ears. A fluffy white tail flicked behind her. "Did Mr. Erwin send you here? Are you looking for a neko?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2015 ⏰

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