The Match

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It was now time for the match that everybody was waiting for. The so-called "face" of the WWE, John Cena, taking on Damien Sandow, the Intellectual Savior of the Masses. Sandow has been waiting for this opportunity to prove himself, and tonight's the night. Even though the creative team told him he was supposed to lose this match, Sandow knew he could prove himself with some sick new moves he's been working on. His music was about to hit. Sandow was getting pumped.
It's time.
Sandow's music starts playing. The "Hallelujah"s echoing throughout the arena.
"Go get 'em!" Darren Young said, with a motivational slap to the ass. Sandow entered the arena, looking at the vast amount of fans, mostly wearing John Cena T-shirts. Sandow made his usual cocky walk to the ring, sliding under the bottom rope and posing as Eden announced him.
Then it was time.
The main event was here.
John Cena's music hit, and the crowd erupted. A mix of cheers and boos filled the arena. Cena bursted through the curtain, hyped as always. He did his salute and ran to the ring, sliding in and doing his signature "OK" style hand gestures. Sandow stared at Cena, admired his physique. He watched as Cena bounced off the ropes, trying not to stare at his butt, covered by his jean shorts. Sandow was experiencing feelings he has never felt before. A burning sensation in his chest area. Maybe that was heartburn, but Sandow was certain it was much more than that. The last time Sandow had feelings similar to this was around Cody, but he's married now. Sandow got chills as Eden (who was conveniently married to Cody) announced the leader of the Cenation. Just hearing his name brought in a rush of emotions Sandow couldn't explain. The bell was just about to ring. The crowd slowly quieted. Ding ding ding!
"It's time" Sandow said to himself as the two superstars locked up. This was sure to be a moment Sandow would never forget.

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