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Harry: hey Lou?

Louis: yeah?

Harry: want to come with me?

Louis: you're going somewhere?

Harry: yeah?

Harry: I thought I told you

Louis: nope

Louis: where are you going?

Harry: to Zayn's

Harry: we're gonna watch some horror films and stuff

Harry: wanna come?

Louis: horror films?

Louis: you don't even like scary movies, Hazza

Harry: I don't care

Harry: I haven't hung out with Zayn in forever and I want to so

Louis: .......okay I'll come then

Harry: yay :D

Louis: only cause you're cute

Harry: aw thanks

Louis: and also only because someone's gotta protect you from the monsters in the horror films after you watch them

Harry: Thanks?

Louis: and also also only because Zayn's probably gonna fall asleep within the first half hour of watching the movies and you'll need someone to keep you company

Harry: ....... Thanks

Louis: anytime, love (:

Harry: okay go get dressed

Louis: I am dressed!

Harry: you're going in sweatpants?

Louis: what is this, a date? We're just going to Zayn's, he doesn't care what I look like as long as I look like a human

Harry: ooookay

Harry: then stop texting me so we can drive

Louis: you're driving

Harry: ...

Harry: I'm 18

Louis: yeah??

Harry: don't make me drive

Louis: you're fucking legal here and you have a licence, I think you're okay to drive.

Harry: actually I just have a permit

Louis: and I have a licence, perfect then you can still drive

Harry: I don't want toooooo

Louis: too bad I don't want to either so ha

Harry: ;—; fine

Louis: (: thanks lovebug

Harry: I'm not a fucking lovebug

Louis: all the love Harry (; (; (;

Harry: a.t.l. bye.

Louis: (; (; (; (;

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