3. Backstage With the guys

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Meet the guys back stage
Imagine 3
By - @Highlighter1738

                      Liam's Pov
After we sand the last verse to 'Night Changes' and said good night. The boys and I ran into the room and flopped onto the couches. Niall runs to the food table smiling. And Paul come in too tell us we have a bunch of girls with backstage passes. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh omg omg omg omg it's One Direction" I hear a girl scream. Turning around seeing one girl fangirling and the other looking down playing with her hands. I smile and walk up to the girls with Ni. The girl on the left with brown hair is jumping up and down and faints. Thankfully it's the last group for backstage passes. Harry comes and picks the girl up and lays her on the chair. The other girl mumbles and looks down nervously. "Hey love it's ok we arnt gonna hurt you come sit and talk I think we may have some time." I say to her smiling. She nods and sits carefully. "Hello love my names Harry what's yours. " Harry asks looking concerned she still hasn't looked up yet. " My names y/n and I liked the concert " "thanks y/n and I'm Liam this is Harry, Zayn, Niall, Louis"  I say smiling. For about another hour we all sit and talk. Y/n's friend wakes up and smiles saying this is a dream so we all go along with it. We all exchanged numbers and y/n said she had to leave so we said our goodbyes and hugged goodbye. We watched as y/n and her friend don't in the car and drove off.

                    Friends Pov
We watch as my favorite band finished the last song and we head straight to the place to meet One Direction. We walk in and I scream jumping up and down. My vision goes black and I faint.

                         Y/N's Pov
After talking to the guys and laughing we hug and they walk us out. I smile as Liam hugs me tight and then says be safe sweetie. Yes he started calling me sweetie but he's like a older brother or over protective friend. I smile and drive back thinking tonight was amazing I got to meet new friends

Hey guys merry early Christmas Eve and I'll update again on Christmas. Byeeeeeeeee 😋

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