1. Nail and ice skating

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Nail's Pov -
It's almost 7 what am I supposed to do. I have to take y/n on a date and I'm nervous as ever. She's the most beautiful creature on the face of the earth. I grab my car keys and start walking to my car my hands shaking. I can't help but keep thinking over and over y/n, y/n is she gonna like tonight?? I start driving passing a Starbucks and stoping to get y/n's favorite drink. I smile and knock on the white covered door, and it opens y/n little sisters head pops out. "Hey Ni whatcha do'n here" " well Emma I'm here to pick up y/n" I hear the voice of heaven call down the stairs too keep me outside. Smiling I look inside and y/n walking downstairs. She looks stunning I smile and take her hand and lead her to the car. She smiles lightly and holds my hand I smile and say " Princess just wait it's a surprise" y/n pouts and looks up and chirps out " but I don't like surprises" I smile at her and say we're here. I rest my hand over her eyes and chuckle after putting on my skates and hers. I take off the blind fold smiling.
Y/n shrieks and giggles as we stand on the ice and kisses my lips. My thoughts take over. Oh gosh she's so beautiful and amazing the guys are idiots if they can't even see how great she is. Y/n takes my hand and we skate for about another forty minutes. Y/n yawns and I hug her in my arms and I start to skate with her laying in my arms. As we skate I sing night changes to her smiling. Y/n's favorite song comes on and I take her hand to lead her to the edge of the rink. I smile and we get in the car she y/n falls asleep in my lap as we drive arm. I walk up stairs and put her in bed covering her up and kissing her forehead. I smile and whisper I love you. Shutting the door and leaving her house. I pull out my phone and texts her
Hey princess I hope you had fun I left you asleep and need to go home. Hope you had a good rest.
Smiling I send it. I drive back home and talk with Lou all the next two hours about it. And trudge up the stairs to fall on my bed and into a blissful sleep with y/n in it.

Heyyyyy guys here's my first update the next ones tomorrow but I'm still writing my other story but I'm only updating that one on Fridays thanks y'all.

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