Is this the end?

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I was listening to this song as I wrote this I recommend you listen to it while you read this x
I always knew I was different always knew I would never belong, it's what I've been told my whole life right. "Why would it change now" I'm not special I never will be . I gave up on my tears years ago I have no need for them no longer . So why am I running , I will never be free , I might as well do everyone a favour and die right now and then . The more I thought about it the more sense it made . I hopped down from my spot on the tree and started to run . Until I found a cliff. I took a closer step towards the edge. Every fibre of my body telling me not to jump not to do it . My wolf was screaming at me to stop to not be stupid. But I couldn't let her keep having to pay for mistakes .I should of just ended my life when I had the chance . I took a deep breath and stood at the end and jumped . "I'm sorry I was such a disappointment bye wolf" I told my wolf as I fell .

Josiah's PoV
"Alpha a rouge was spotted near the west borders " my men rushed in and told me . "Follow the rouge and bring it here immediately well go on hurry up" I replied.

Narrative PoV
He briskly stood up and dusted his pants . He looked like he hadn't had any sleep for the last month . He picked up a picture off his desk and started to gaze out the window . He stood like that for a couple of minutes before collapsing too his knees . Staring at the picture he started to speak .

Josiah's PoV
"I'm sorry I couldn't save you , I couldn't save any of you I don't deserve to live , I'm a disappointment . I miss you so much it hurts ,please come back why did you have to leave me , why did I have to be so weak . It's all my fault , WHY DID YOU GO . Why .. Please I need you ...come back ,come BACK , COME BACK " I threw the picture at the wall and watched it smash into a million pieces . I got up and threw my desk across the room in smashed in two. I started to trash my office

10 mins later...
I looked at the mess I made I'm not even fit to be an alpha for god sakes . For the first time in 15 years I fell to the floor and done something I haven't done in a long time I started to cry .

Who do you think he was talking to?
What did he mean by its his fault?
Should Rebecca have jumped off the cliff?
Did she really die?

Stay tuned and find out more .........

Yemi ❤️✨😋

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