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Picture of blonde on top ^^

I closed my eyes and jumped. As I waited for the impact instead of hearing my scream as gravity pulled me down I felt two large bulky hands draw me back on to the surface. As I opened my eyes I was met with a man who was shouting. That was the last thing I remember before I fainted.

Josiah's PoV
" Joseph , call the sable fur alpha and tell him I will be arriving on his land in like a weeks time as we have important matters to discus in person "

" Yes alpha " replied Joseph as he took that as his cue to leave . 

I took a seat down in my leather chair and for the first time in weeks I closed my eyes . I still could never sleep though and just didn't have the time , even if I did I wouldn't be able to sleep still. Even the damn pills didn't work ! I got up and walked to my room, I might as well start packing since I will be gone for a while.
I pulled out my huge black suitcase I used all the time , opened my closet and started throwing random clothes in there mostly suits . I only packed 2 t-shirts and jeans just in case. After all I wasn't planning on staying long as soon as my meeting was over I would prefer to leave .

"Alpha the car is ready and so is beta Hix " reported Joseph

I zipped up my suitcase , locked my door and made my way down stairs to the car.

"Alpha" greeted Hix and Joseph

"Joseph make sure to look after this pack well with my absence gone ok I don't want no problems" I told Joseph

"Yes alpha" replied Joseph

"Well let's get this show on the road shall we" I shouted with a crooked smile I don't know why but I just knew this trip would be an interesting one.

Rebecca's PoV
I was walking back from school , the sun was beating down on my face and I was in a surprisingly good mood compared to normal . I saw the park that was a few yards away from my cottage I had to call home. I know father always told me to never venture off or he will find out and punish me. But I really wanted to go on the swings and father wasn't here I might as well go on it. I walked into the park and sat on the swing and started humming the song I heard mother sing all the time to brother. I was so absorbed in my thoughts I didn't realise someone had sat down on the swing next to me.

"What's you doing all alone in the park by herself " said the strange boy

"Well I was supposed to be heading home but I wanted to go on the swings first" I replied

I looked up at the boy . He was wearing a black hoodie and sweatpants . He looked about my age , he was also really skinny and looked like he couldn't harm a fly. As he pulled his hoodie down I could make out his face feature he had dirty shaggy blond hair, his jawline was defined and his eyes where the brightest shade of blue I had ever seen . I watched him as he opened a chocolate bar and bit some then stretched it out to me.

"Want some?" He asked .
"What is it ?" I replied
"It's chocolate "
"What's that?"
"You don't know what chocolate is "

I shook my head

"Wow that's first , look here just try some trust me you will like it "

Slowly I reached for it and just as I seen him do I took a bite out of it, it was the most blissful thing I ever tasted.

"Here you like it , look you can have the rest I have loads more at home"
"Thanks " I replied while quickly finishing the rest off.
"What's your name ?"
"Father told me not to tell people my name"
"Hmm ok how about we come up with nicknames for each other then "
"Yeah like I will call you hazel because you got hazel eyes now you make one for me "
"Em ok I'll call you blonde just like your hair"
"Haha blonde I like that well it's nice to meet you hazel "
"It's nice to meet you too blonde"
"Lets be friends ok? "
"Yeah , that would be nice "
" good " he replied as he smiled showing off his dimples.

I look up at the sky and realised it was getting dark oh no I'm going to be late home and father will get angry . I quickly rushed out the park .

"Wait where you going?" Shouted blonde
"I have to go home I'm sorry " I shouted back
"Will I be able to see you again ?"
" I think it's best if I didn't I'm sorry I must go bye bye friend"

I ran home as quick as my feet would carry . I got to my door and was about to open it when it's swung open and my father grabbed me by my hair and dragged me into the living room.

"Where have you been" He shouted
"I.i...i.. " I stammered
"Not good enough what have I told you about be home late since you never listen I have to show you what happens to naughty girls who disrespect there fathers"

He whipped me with his belt , metal whip , shoes, even cut my hair with a knife . He relished in my cry and pleas, the louder I cried the more he would beat me . He took my arm n carved unwanted deeply inside my arm . He didn't stop he went on all night. He shouted stuff at me like how stupid I was , how ugly and annoying I was everything you could think off . He went on all night until I felt I couldn't hold on anymore . That's how everything went black .

End of flashback

I woke up panting hard unsure of where I was. It was just another nightmare. Then everything came back to me . The getting out , trying to jump over a cliff, a mysterious man saving me. Then me passing out.

I could hear shuffling going on outside my door , as I lay deathly still in bed. The door cracked open I held my breath.

Hey guys it's been way too long I realised I'm absolutely rubbish at updating so I'm going to try update every week. I hope you enjoyed this chapter I'm still kind of new to this whole thing so sorry if it's not as long as you would of liked it to be.
who do you think the blonde guy was 👀 ?
Comment and tell me your thoughts
Happy valentines though it's a bit late
Bye lovelies
Yemi 💗🌊😉

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