The Past Resurfaced

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-Three Years Ago-

Killian had just gotten back from telling Gold that he was leaving the syndicate. He had thanked his employer for treating him so well over the past years, but it was now time for Killian and Milah to begin a life together. He had made sure to pack all of his things before he returned home, he even stopped by Game of Thorns to pick up flowers for Milah.

He unlocked the front door of their small home and closed the door behind him,

"Milah? Baby I'm home. Are you ready to hit the road?" Killian had asked as he set his keys down and hung his coat up.

His brow raised slightly when only silence replied to him.

"Milah?" He called out again.

Killian made his way into the living room and saw she wasn't in there, he searched the bedroom, the bathroom, and then finally the kitchen. As he made his way into the small space he saw a pair of feet lying on the ground, then her legs, and the rest of her body soon followed. He dropped the flowers as he screamed at the sight.

"Milah?" Killian asked, his voice cracking as he knelt down beside her lifeless body.

He picked her up off the ground, his tears landing on her pale skin,

"No, no, no, Milah, you have to wake up! What about our life together?!" He asked as he hugged her body, sobbing into her hair.

Killian held her body for another hour before he got the strength to reach for the phone and call 9-1-1.

"9-1-1, what's your emergency?" He heard the operator ask.

"She's been shot. Please help! I came home and found her on the floor, please just hurry!" He pleaded as his hands, covered in Milah's blood, shook uncontrollably.

"Sir, I need you to calm down. What's the address?" The operator asked.

"28 Broonstick Road." Killian replied shakily.

"Alright, stay put there. We have just dispatched the police." The operator informed him.

He hung up the phone and made his way back over to Milah's body.

"I'm so sorry Milah, I'm sorry." He sobbed as he held her body tightly.


Killian had been brought into an interrogation room to be questioned by a detective. His head was laying in his hands when a man walked into the room.

"Hello Mr. Jones. My name is Detective David Nolan and I just want to ask you a few questions about what happened." David informed him.

Killian nodded,

"Yeah, go ahead...I'll tell you everything." He said as he sat up straight in his seat.

Over the next few hours Killian proceeded to tell Detective Nolan his alibi and all that he had done earlier today leading up to the discovery of Milah's body.

"Well, everything seems to clear up. You are free to go Mr. Jones." David told him as he collected his papers and exited the room.

As Killian walked out of the room he could overhear Detective Nolan talking to his wife,

"I'm telling you Mary Margaret, there's more to this than he is letting on." David had said.

Killian was turning away when he ran straight into a blonde lass wearing a backpack,

"Sorry." She said before maneuvering around him and making her way over to one of the chairs in the police station.

He made his way out of the police station and began walking down the sidewalk that lead to the warehouse. Liam saw Killian approaching and made his way up to his brother,

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