Chapter Five: Mabel's Back!.... But Where's Dipper?

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~3 Person POV~

"It's been nearly three hours! Where are those two?" Ford asked, rubbing his temples.

"Relax, Fordster. Those two are like us, they'll survive." Stan reassured his twin brother.

"Those two the Mystery Twins! They can survive anything!" Soos stated, bringing Mabel and Dipper's nickname.

After Dipper left to find Mabel on his own, Stan and Ford came back into the room. And ever since then, the four others had been looking for the two twins. And so far, there's been so success.

"Ummm..... Guys, You-Know-Who's coming back! And it ain't Voldemort." Wendy called out as she looked out the window, seeing Gideon walking towards the Shack.

Stan growled and grabbed his trusty baseball bat. "Ford, if I go to prison, make sure you watch my 'Gold Chains for Old Men Magazines'." Ford only sighed.

Gideon came into the Shack, wearing his same suit from earlier. "Why, Stanley and Stanford. A pleasure to see you both again."

Ford sighed. "What do you want, you menace to society?"

"I just came to see if my dear Dipper was home yet. I came to try again and win his heart." Gideon stated with a grin on his face, carrying a lone rose.

"Go away, Gideon. He went out looking for Mabel, who is missing by the way!" Wendy snapped.

He sighed and touched the place where his heart was. "Yes, I feel deeply scared for the woman who crushed my heart and left it to die all those years ago."

"I'm pretty sure that was sarcasm." Soos whispered to Wendy.

Soon, Pacifica Northwest had entered the Mystery Shack. She wore a short blue dress and blue heels. Since the Northwest Manor incident, she had changed quite a lot. However, her fashion remanned the same.

"Mabel! Is she back yet?" She asked nervously, deeply worried for her friend and secret crush.

"Sorry, Northwest. She or Dipper has returned yet." Stan stated, bringing his bat down a little bit.

Gideon sighed, clearly growing bored. "Well, call me when my husband has returned." He said, leaving the Shack instantly.

"He'll never love you, you big haired jerk!" Stan had yelled, having enough of the teenager's stubborn attitude.

Suddenly, appearing out of forest, Mabel came running towards the Shack. Her hair was messy and her clothes were tattered.

"Mabel?" Gideon asked as she ran past him, raising an eyebrow as she continued to run and eventually decided to follow her back to the Shack.

The teenage girl soon burst open the door to the tourist trap, looking at her family. "Help! Guys, help me!"

Everyone stared at Mabel with happiness and confusion but happiness. She was finally back and safe! Why was she so freaked out? And where was Dipper?

"Mabel? What happened?" Ford asked her, walking over to her shaken state.

"He's got him, Grunkle Ford! He's got him locked in the dungeon!" She stammered out in tears.

"Who?" Soos asked.

"Dipper! W-we have to go, now!" She said, now breathing fast.

"Slow down, kid. Who's got Dipper trapped?" Stan asked, using his soft voice that he only used once.

"BILL! BILL CIPHER!" She screamed, looking at the other four people.

They all gasped in fright. Soos, Wendy, Ford, and Stan blinked at the teenage girl. Then looked at each other in confusion. "Mabel, are you sure?" Soos asked.

She began to calm down once Wendy handed her some water. "Y-yes! And he's in his human form now! He's even crueler than before!"

Ford blinked and began to look at his new journal, looking at it closely. "But that's impossible! Unless he became strong enough to get a human form on his own."

"Mabel, did he hurt you?" Pacifica asked, walking over to her.

Mabel jumped a little, than blushed a tiny bit when she saw the other woman. "Y-yeah. I'm okay."

The blonde teenage hugged Mabel tightly. "I'm just glad you're okay."

"Mabel, we're happy you're alright, but now we have to find Dipper and save him from that demon." Ford said, locking the doors tightly.

"Why? What's so bad about Bill having a human form?" Wendy asked confused.

"Many things! If Bill has gotten a human form and has gotten more evil than the last time, this only means his power has gotten stronger!" Ford explained, now working in his journal.

"We have to save him!" Mabel said as they all ran to the vending machine. Stan inserted the secret code and the group all ran down the stairs to find Dipper.

Meanwhile, Gideon had been listening to the whole thing. He smirked and began to think of a plan for the mad Mabel. And with a sharp grin, he began to walk away as he planned his and Dipper's wedding. "My, what a guy am I." He told himself.


Yep, so Gideon is Gaston. In my opinion: He was the perfect person! XD

Anyway, the next chapter is where Dipper meets Will, Dipper and Bill get into a fight, and maybe something else happens. ^~^ Just kidding, find out later!

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