Chapter Fourteen: "Dinner.... With You?"(Bill's POV!!!)

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~ Bill's POV~

"Hey Bill.... do you maybe wanna walk around the backyard with me?" Dipper asked me as the snowball fight ended.

I blinked but felt my face growing hotter. Mason 'Dipper' Pines, my Pine Tree, wanted to walk with me? Am I trapped in my mind scape again?

"U-ummmm..... Give me one second, Dipper!" I stated nervously. I floated over to my brother and sister, bringing them into a group huddle like one of those human sport thingy.

"Billy, why are we still out here? I wanna get hot chocolate!" Will whined, adding a bit of saltiness in his voice.

"Code Red, guys. Dipper's asking me to walk with him and I don't know what the nachos to do!" I said as quickly as my mouth would let me.

Jill only chuckled. "I didn't think Dipper would do it. He seemed so shy at the idea I gave him."

"Wait, you gave him the idea?!" I screeched angrily but quietly so Dipper couldn't hear us.

"Of course I did. You two were taking forever to state your feelings that I offered the idea so that you two could reveal your feelings to each other." My sister said, snapping her fingers in a human girlish way.

"You know, not everyone has to be in love after just two or three days." Will said, looking up at Jill.

"How would you know, Will? You haven't been in this kind of relationship yet." Jill smirked.

"Guys! No fighting and Jill, that was rude. But what am I going to do?" I began to freak out.

Okay, so it was true. I was in love with Pine Tree and that was the truth. I had been in love with him ever since we had that moment in the woods. But I didn't know if he loved me back, so I decided to keep it platonic between us.

"Right, sorry Will. Look, just take my advice and walk with him then confess your feelings and have a deep Yaoi kiss!" Jill squealed like a rabid Fangirl.

"You could do that or... You could ask him out on a date tonight? And not like the last date, a fancy and proper date with suits and ties." Will then offered to me.

I nodded my head at Will's idea. "I like that idea. Sorry, Jilly-bean. I'm just not ready to kiss him yet."

"But you might kiss him tonight! You never know!" My sister only smirked.

I sighed hopefully and stood up, fixing my bow tie. "Alright, I can do this. Time to become the man that Dipper made me."

"You mean, not greedy and wrath filled Bill Cipher?" Jill joked.

"Exactly. Now, excuse me while I walk with my Pine Tree!" I proclaimed like a superhero.

"Good luck, bro! I believe in you!" Will clapped his hands.

"Don't choke on your own sip!" Jill sassily said as she and my brother went inside the castle.

I only shook my head. Even Jill is a total jerk, she's still my sister and I care about her. Almost like the way Dipper cares about Mabel. But every time I think about Pine Tree and Shooting Star, I think about how much Dipper must be missing Fez, Sixer, Shooting Star, Question Mark, and even Ice and Broken Heart.

I cleared my throat and walked over to Dipper, who was admiring the falling snow that fell upon the roses. He looked up at me with a shy smile. "So... Are you gonna walk with me?"

"Actually, yes I am going to walk with you, Dipper Dear." I smiled with my hands resting upon my hips.

He gasped and gave the wide smile I loved so much. "That's great! I was afraid you were gonna say no! B-but I wasn't going to like cry or anything, no way!"

I laughed heartily and rested upon my cane. "Pine Tree, you're a riot. Come now, let's walk."

Dipper stopped rambling and nodded, myself noticing a bright red blush on his face. "O-okay...."

We began to walk in a little circle around the backyard. But Dipper kept his eyes on my cane. "Why do you have that thing, Bill?"

"Oh, I don't know. I just thought it would add to my golden and black outfit." I replied with a grin upon my face.

Dipper nodded his head softly, admiring all the snow covered roses, which were all different colors as well. "Do you like winter, Bill?"

I only shrugged. "I prefer the summer, but winter's alright, I guess."

"I like summer too, but I really love winter more than any season. It's the time of year where you can see everything covered in snow and it just looks so beautiful. And plus, you can warm up by the fire while you're reading a book and cuddling the one you love." Dipper explained as he decided to pick one of red roses.

I blushed furiously at his explanation of his love of winter. I also couldn't help but smile and hug Pine Tree tightly. "You're so amazing."

Dipper gasped but wrapped his arms around me as well. "Y-you're amazing too, Bill."

I pulled away for a bit, but kept my arms wrapped around him. "Sorry, it's just.... I like hugging you."

He giggled cutely and stared up at me. "I like hugging you too, Bill. I just feel so safe when you hug me."

I smiled widely but gasped when I felt myself leaning in to kiss him. I cleared my throat and looked at him. "So, what did my sister talk about with you?"

Dipper also cleared his throat, but he kept blushing and so did I. "Oh! Ummm... She just talked to me about where she was and about Will."

I gasped and became sad. So, Jill told Dipper about Will in Reverse Falls, huh? You probably heard the story too, huh? "I'm sorry you heard that story, Pine Tree."

"Hey, don't be, Bill! I just feel really bad for Will after Reverse Falls. But.... I'm really glad that you took care of him." Dipper said, looking up at me with a kind smile.

I blushed even harder as I rubbed the back of my neck. "Oh... It's no trouble. He is my baby brother, after all."

Dipper only smiled but then took my hand. "Bill..... I'd like to ask you for something."

I blinked and looked down at my human. "And what's that, Pine Tree?"

"Ummm.... Would you like to go on a date with me tonight?" He asked shyly.

I gasped and felt my whole face burn in shyness. Pine Tree was asking me out on a date?! But I thought it was supposed to be the other way around! "Dinner... With you? That would....... YES!" I blurted out, instantly hugging Dipper tightly.

He laughed happily and hugged me back. "That's great! So, I'll see you tonight?"

"Totally!" I smiled as we entered inside and eventually departed to get ready for tonight's date.

I could tell that this was going to be a night to remember, fleshlings.


Greetings, my readers! Here it is, Bill's POV! And man, was it fun to do!

Anyway, the next chapter is going to go back to the Mystery Shack and especially Gideon and his "friends".

Anyway, make sure to vote and comment on this story and the other one as well! Bye everyone!

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