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Kylie rummaged through the refrigerator trying to find a healthy snack when her mother walked in with her baby brother cradled in her bony arms.

"Kylie?" She turned and looked up at her seemingly exhausted mother.

"Yes?" She asked in annoyance.

"I found a babysitter for Jack so I don't need you to stay home to watch him, okay? Just don't be late for school." And with that her mother turned on her heel with a cooing Jack in her arms and walked past the kitchen doorway out of sight.

Kylie sighed quietly and continued her search for a snack. Once she found what she was looking for, a banana, she shoved the yellow fruit into her worn down book bag and charged upstairs to get ready for school.


She had decided to wear her distressed blue skinny jeans and a black v-neck t-shirt that barely exposed any cleavage. Over her year old shirt, she had put on a grey hoodie that she had stolen from her mothers closet. The hoodie smelled of her moms perfume; the one she wore every time her and her father went out on a date night. She called it her "special scent." She told Kylie that she only wore it around her dad and she believed it. The only time Kylie could smell it on her mother was when she was about to go out with him.
But now, the scent was wearing off as she continued her trek to school. Kylie silently cursed herself for not bringing something heavier and warmer to wear. The air was frigid and the tips of her fingers were a light shade of pink. She shoved them deep in the front pocket of the hoodie and her teeth vibrated in her mouth as the freezing wind rushed toward her.
Approximately two minutes later she arrived at the steps of Radford High. She grasped the handle of the front door and pulled. A gust of air brushed across her face and neck when she yanked it open making her shiver. She stepped onto the linoleum floor and preceded to her home room.

"Kylie!" Someone shouted from behind her. Kylie whipped her head around and saw Mia running towards her.

"Hey, Mimi!" Kylie said to her best friend. Mia looked at her with glowing eyes.

"You will not...guess...what just...happened," Mia said in between gasps. Kylie let Mia catch her breath before asking,

"What happened?" Curiosity was plastered across her makeup-free face. Mia exhaled then inhaled.

"So I was by my locker and suddenly everyone goes quiet. Well, I turn around and see this boy!" Mia flailed her arms around in an exasperated rush. "He's like tall and he has this -this smirk!" She looked at Kylie with wide eyes and nodded furiously like her head was about to pop right off.

Kylie just glared at her with one eyebrow arched. Mia continued to rant on about the boy. When she finished, Kylie reminded her that home room was about to start and pointed to the clock. 7:59.
Both girls rushed to their class and took a seat. Kylie sat in the last row in the last seat at the back of the classroom and Mia sat in the seat next to her. This was their "tradition" per se. Every year they would sit in the desk farthest from everyone so they could talk, pass notes, and even go on their cell phones without getting caught. Although Mia enjoyed the company of her other peers, she stayed glued next to Kylie who was terrified of even looking at the other students. Her shy intentions went everywhere with her whether it was at school, home, or even at the local grocery store. So sitting in the back of class was just fine by her. She had urged Mia to go hang out with her other friends in the class but Mia refused saying that Kylie needed her; that she needed someone to keep her company. And Mia was right. Without her Kylie would be completely lost and lonely. So they sat there, talking until the teacher arrived.

"Ahem," the teacher, Mrs. Clidesdale, cleared her throat loudly, "Students? May I please have your attention? I have an impor- Scotty! Stop throwing those paper balls and sit in your seat!" She yelled glaring at Scotty, who looked at her and shrugged then sat down in the nearest desk. "Sorry about that boys and girls. Anyway, I have an important announcement to make!" She waited a beat longer then looked at the door expectantly.

"Mr. Styles?" She called to the door. The door opened and a tall, lanky boy strode into the classroom with a smirk formed under his nose. He stood by Mrs. Clidesdale, his fingers linked behind his back. He rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet as she introduced him.

"Class, I'd like you to meet our new student, Harry."

Kylie noticed his hair first. A dark chestnut-colored mess draped upon his broad shoulders. It curled in multiple directions and it shined like his very...odd and colorful silk button-up shirt that fit loosely on his torso. Kylie glanced down and saw his black skinny jeans. Jeans that practically hugged his leg. The cloth on his knees were cut in small slits showing his pale skin underneath. His boots, also a charcoal black, looked intriguingly expensive and Kylie wondered where he could've gotten them. She then trailed her eyes above his neck to his...whoa.

His visage was beautiful. His piercing green eyes landed on hers and she sat there stunned as he smiled a genuine smile towards her. He soon averted his gaze when the teacher motioned him to sit down. He sat in the front of the class near the door. She stared at his profile and noticed his sharp jawline and a dimple on his cheek when he smiled. She noticed his interlocking fingers and his thumbs twirling around each other as he sat waiting for the bell to chime. When it eventually did, Kylie jumped up and dashed toward the door hoping not to run into Harry on the way out.

"Hey!" She heard a deep voice shout just a few feet behind her. She refused to turn around. She wanted out of there as much as the next person. "Hello?" The voice said again. Seconds later a finger tapped her shoulder blade. She spun around to see Harry only inches away from her face.

"Hey," he said bashfully, his face turning pink.

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