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5:59 am

I woke up realizing it was Monday. The worst day of the week. I got up and did all my hygiene and put on the outfit above. I ran downstairs. "See you later mom!" I said giving her a hug and walking to my jeep. I drove off to school while playing my favorite playlist from Drake to The Chainsmokers. Then I finally reached the parking lot. I hopped out the car into the double doors. "Ugh look at the joke of the school Jacob Perez!" This random boy said making everyone burst into laughter. I ignored and walked to my locker. I had to see Ivy with her wannabe popular boyfriend. I hate both of them with all my guts. "Ew look at him he's hurting my eyes!" "And your hurting my face so go along." That's when Tye punched me write in the stomach. It didn't really hurt. "Bro back tf up!" I shouted at him. "Get away from my girl and stop talking bs about her!" "Boy you and your girl get away this is my locker!" Then I punched him in the jaw. Tye fell to the ground. "Omg babe are you ok!" "Bitch does it look like I'm ok!" Tye said screaming at Ivy.

*Bing Bing* Skips to lunch

Basically my academic periods are based off of me getting things thrown into my Afro and bitches calling me names. So for 12th graders we only have two periods a day so at lunch I dip. As I was walking to my car Tye walked up to me but he had some of his buddies with him. "This is what you get for thinking you run something." That's when they all jumped me. I fought back this time. "STOP TYE!" Ivy screamed. I thought why did she care about me. Ivy pulled Tye away then slapped him. I was left with a cut under my bottom lip and a bruise on my cheek. I just walked to my jeep with my head up. As I unlocked the door Ivy ran up to me. "What the hell do you want!" I said annoyed. "Um I'm coming to say sorry I was the cause of all this and can you forgive me?" "I don't know because now all of a sudden you want to come to me and say sorry, this has been going on for months and now you just want to say sorry!" I semi shouted. "But I didn't know it affected you like that." "Didn't know, you've seen me walk out of school almost everyday with a black eye or bruise, and your sitting here telling me you didn't know!" " I'm sorry how many times do I have to say it!" She said yelling but sounding apologetic. "I don't know maybe until I can forgive you!" "Just please forgive me!" "I don't know I can't just forgive you in one day, but if it makes you happy." "It doesn't if I know it's not true!" "Whatever." I said opening the door and driving off. I just drove home because I didn't feel like going anywhere with my face like this. When I pulled up I saw my mom. I didn't know how I was going to pass her. I unlocked the door and ran sonic speed upstairs into my room. Picked up a t-shirt and some basketball shorts then took a nice long shower.

I really felt bad about my ex boyfriend beating up Jacob. I didn't know my childish ways could get someone into such trouble. I had to dump Tye. It was the best for both of us. I really want Jacob to forgive me though. I kind of had a major crush on him since the freshman year. I just never told him. Then in sophomore year that's when he began to be talked about and called really rude names. I finally got asked out by Tye the popular in the school. That's when I became popular. I couldn't have my reputation ruined by Jacob. Now I realize I don't care about popularity over someone's feelings. I like him and I'll continue to. We used to be friends and I went over to his house for parties sometimes so I know where he stays. Awkward right, convenient though. I'm on my way to his house because I really want him to accept my apology for real. I arrived to his house and rang the doorbell. "Hello and how may I help you." "Hello I'm here to see Jacob." "Ok he should be upstairs third room to the right." "Thank you very much!" I walked upstairs into his room. He wasn't even in there. I just waited on my phone on his bed. After 5 minutes I heard a door open and steam came out. I knew that was probably Jacob. "Wtf Ivy!" Jacob semi screamed. "What, tf!" "Why are you even here I already told you." Jacob did look hot in a t-shirt but I couldn't show it so I held back my blushing. "What do I have to do I'll literally do anything." "First tell me why you even care." "I can't tell you, you'll think I'm crazy or stupid." "No I wouldn't I'm not like that." "Well I'll tell you later." Then he laid down on the bed. So I decided to sit on the floor. "Why are you on the floor?" Jacob asked. "Well you laid on the bed so I was just like ok I can sit on the floor." "Ivy if you don't sit on this bed!" Jacob said In a funny voice. I giggled softly then sat on the bed. "Let me braid your hair!" I asked. "Why I'm not a girl the hell!" "Pleaseee!" "Fine!" He sat in front of me and I began French braiding his curly hair. After 20 minutes I was done. It looked super good Jacob makes it work. "You look super h-!" I covered my mouth before it could slip out. "I look what!" "Umm you look good." "Who said I never looked good, oh yeah you and possibly everyone else." Jacob said laying back down. "Jacob really we were bonding then you want to bring up negative stuff." "I'm sorry but my family doesn't even know!" "Ok let me go downstairs and tell your mom." "No she'll hate you and my Mexican family is loco!" "I don't care I'll do anything!" I walked into the living room. "Ms Perez can I speak with you?" "Sure hun what is it about?" "Well Jacob goes to the same school as me, and people don't treat him as needed, he gets called really rude names and gets jumped almost every single day, I was the cause of it today, well my ex boyfriend and his buddies fought him today, I stopped it though, I couldn't let it continue though, I'm sorry but I hope you could forgive me." I said apologetic. "I knew something was up Jacob always runs into the house with his head down, but i forgive you just make sure it stops." She said sadly. "I'm sorry Ms Teresa." "It's ok." She walked into the kitchen. I walked back upstairs to Jacob's room. "Hey Jacob." "Hi." "I told her and she doesn't really seem mad but sad." "Ok thank you." "No problem." "Well you should get going there's school tomorrow." "Oh yep bye!" I said running to my car. I got home my did all my homework then took a shower. I brushed my hair then fell asleep.

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