Chapter 10

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I groaned as we trudged through the woods, "Allison, when you said you needed to stop for an errand before shopping, a five-mile hike through the woods - not what I was expecting." Lydia said as we stepped over tree roots, trying our hardest not to fall or trip. Allison didn't reply as she walked ahead of us, a black duffel bag slung over her shoulder.

"Yeah, I would much rather be shopping than this." I grumbled under my breath, "I thought we were going shopping for dresses; the winter formal is coming up pretty soon."

"We'll be really quick, promise." Allison told us, "Oh, Lydia, before I forget, I wanted to ask if you're okay with something." This caught our interest, "Jackson asked me to the winter formal."

I sucked in a breath. Jackson was a touchy subject for Lydia, a fresh wound, "Did he?" Lydia asked, voice growing in pitch.

"Mhm, just as friends." Allison replied, "I just wanted to make sure you're okay with it first."

Lydia pursed her lips, "As long as it's just as friends." I glanced at her, knowing that she really didn't even mean that. Awkward...

"Well, yeah," Allison laughed, "it's not like I'm going to take him into the Coach's office during lacrosse practice to make out with him or anything."

My eyes widened. How did Allison know about Lydia and Scott's little... 'talk'? Lydia swallowed, "Uh... About that-"

"Just quit while you're ahead." I told her as we quickened our pace to keep up with Allison. We walked for a little while more before Allison stopped, "Okay, so we're in the middle of the forest, why?"

"I wanted to try something out." Allison said as she unzipped her bag and pulled out several metal pieces before fitting them all together.

"What does that do?" Lydia asked as we watched our friend take out a bow as well

"We're about to find out." Allison smirked before aiming her bow and drawing back the arrow. The arrow flew through the air with such precision before hitting the tree in the centre, making a flurry of sparks fly from it. I cocked my head, why would she be in possession of a weapon like this? My eyes widened slightly as I realised that she'd taken it from her father; it was a weapon to kill the supernatural with.

"What the hell was that?" Lydia mumbled.

"I don't know." Allison replied.

"Well, that was fun!" Lydia said, clapping her hands together, "Any more lethal weapons you want to try out?"

I was about to say something when a twig snapped not far from where we were standing. I closed my eyes for a brief moment, wishing that I'd gone with Scott and Stiles this morning, "What was that?" Lydia asked quietly. Peter wouldn't come out in broad daylight, would he? No, of course he wouldn't. That would be too risky to have two new people know of his plans.

"Hold this." Allison said, thrusting her bow into Lydia's hands.

"What? Why?"

"Because I thought I heard something."

"Well, maybe you did, but we should probably just leave... Go shopping." I offered.

"I want to find out what that something is."

"Ally, I love you and all, but we're in the woods. There are hundreds of animals in here as it is, maybe it was just one of them." I told her.

She handed me her gloves, "Well then, we have nothing to be scared of then if it's just an animal. I'll be back in a minute."

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