Jessie's boys

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"So you're definitely back next year? They've asked you? What about the others?" Jessie rambled down the phone. 

"I've signed my contract, but I don't know about anyone else. I'm assuming Sir Tom's coming back and after his win, I can't see why Dan wouldn't want to. You?" Will replied. 

"I want to, but I haven't been approached yet. And there's no way I'm doing it without you three" she told him firmly. 

Will was the first of the coaches to be confirmed as returning for series 3, but all four coaches had deliberately saved the filming dates, hoping they'd be asked to return. A month had past since series 2 had finished, and the four coaches still spoke to each other regularly. 

"By the way, I wanted to check, are we still on for friday night?" Jessie asked. The coaches had arranged to meet up once a month during the break between filming, their busy schedules not allowing for much more. 

"Hell yeah!" Will replied. They both laughed. "Can't wait." Will took a breath, and Jessie knew what he was about to say. "I'm sorry Jess, I've gotta go." Jessie smiled to herself, their conversations never lasted long. 

"Being a worldwide superstar means you're high in demand" Jessie joked to him. "I'll see you friday." They both hung up and Jessie smiled to herself. This was her quietest week since filming finished, and she was thoroughly enjoying her relaxation period. She was excited for friday. She wanted to see her boys again. Jessie sat for a moment, thinking about them, about the show. She loved all three of them, and couldn't help but think how lucky she was that she'd been asked to do a show where the coaches actually liked each other. 

She'd followed the drama of Simon Cowell and almost every female that he seemed to have worked with, and was happy to not be one of them. Tom and Will were the closest in age to Simon Cowell out of the four of them, but that was where the similarities seemed to end. That, she was definitely grateful for. Tom, the legend, the silver bear, whatever they wanted to call him, was the father figure, the wise grandad. They'd hit it off immediately when they'd first met, and she admired him so much. 

Will was the cheeky, sneaky older brother. It felt like she'd known him forever, and she could always rely on his weird ways to cheer her up. She'd seen people suggest the two of them got together, but they both just laughed at the idea. Jessie loved his girlfriend too. She'd been around forever as well, and was the most down to earth person she'd ever met. It was refreshing, particularly in this business. 

Then Danny. Dan the man. The irish chap who charmed the ladies. Not me, she thought to herself. And then thought back to the night of the wrap party. I was drunk, she reasoned with herself. It doesn't count if you're drunk. She always felt that her and Danny were the two naughty kids, always bickering and joking and flirting. They'd been told off a few times during auditions for making each other laugh too much or for throwing things at each other.

She thought back to one audition where an incredible girl had been singing. Danny had been trying to get her attention to tell her to turn around, but she kept ignoring him, so he starting throwing pens at her. That had got her attention. She'd started throwing them back when suddenly the chairs had been turned round, the performance over. One of the pens went into the audience, and Danny had laughed so hard she'd thought he was going to wet himself. That made her laugh more. The girl was so confused as the two of them turned into giggling, crying wrecks, while Tom and Will had to apologise to the girl and explain why none of them had picked her. 

She'd felt awful afterwards, and when they'd regained their composure, the two of them had gone to find her and apologise. She didn't seem to mind too much. They'd been told off by someone from the production crew for that. And the girl's audition wasn't shown on TV. 

Jessie smiled to herself at the memory. She could tell friday night was going to be a good one. She just wanted these next few days to hurry up so she could see the other three. And it would give her a chance to find out if anyone else had been invited back for the third series.

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