1 Nice to meet you

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"Clarity dear?"

"Yes Grandmama?"I poke my head into the kitchen.

"Can you go get some supplies for dinner tonight?" She asks me, washing the dishes. I nod and grab my large dark purple bag. I give Grandmama a kiss on the cheek and make my way out.


"Excuse me do you know where the 2% milk is?" I turn my head to see a short girl with short brown hair and big brown doe like eyes. I smile and stand up straighter.

"Um yes it's down there on line 5 item 4." I inform her. She looks at me with widened eyes.

"Wow you really know your milk." She compliments jokingly. Her elbow lightly shoving me as we walk side by side to the isle for some odd reason.

"Heh, yeah I've had to be in and out of here a lot plus, I help out from time to time." My voice quietly pipes up as I rub the back of my neck in a nervous state.

"Wow. That cool." She carefully sets the carton in her navy blue basket. "My name is Haruhi. You are...?"

"Clarity." I state, shaking her hand in a ecstatic manner.

"So what school do you go to?" She asks tilting her head, slightly curious.

"Well tomorrow it's my first day at Ouran Academy so we'll see if it sticks." I joke, smiling at the brunette.

"Really? I go there right now, I can show you around if you want?" Haruhi kindly offers and I place my palms on her shoulders.

"That would be great." Haruhi smiles at my overly excited attitude.

"So did you pay to get in or are you in on a scholarship?" She asks, I which I can tell she knows the answer by the look in her eyes.

"It's okay you don't have to pretend that I may even be able to pay to go to the school, I'm, as wealthier families might stereotype, a commoner." My shoulders shrug, carelessly as I see her sigh.

"Oh sorry, I'm a 'commoner' as well and my friends are rich kids. I see they in a way have corrupted me." She drags a hand down her face in annoyance, to my guessing from a few unpleasant memories.

"They sound funny. So what did the great Haruhi do to earn a scholarship to the elite school?" I jokingly ask in my post voice.

"My brain I guess." She counters as she scratches her head. "You?"

"Arts and Brains probably."

"Well I'm assuming I'll see you at school tomorrow. Bye!" She calls waving. I wave back as she runs out. Looks like I already have a friend.

I walk around the store collecting all the materials I need and hurriedly make my way home.


"Can you pass the salt dear?" Grandmama asks in her usually sweet voice. I grab it and pass it to her from next to me. It was pretty easy since our table is pretty small. There was no need for a bigger table since my parents aren't around anymore.

"So are you excited about tomorrow?" She asks perking up. I set my fork down gently grinning.

"Yes very much and guess what, grandmama? I made a friend who goes there today!" I announce, excitedly. She grins back.

"Thats great to hear darling, just make sure she's not like those other kids who you thought were your friends." She warns me. My smile fades when I remember those kids.

"Yea.....of course grandmama, plus." My smile returns. "Haruhi seems really nice."

"I know dear I just don't want to see you taken advantage of again. I want to always see your smiling face." She smiles warmly at me.

"Thank you grandmama." I picked up our empty bowls. "I'm going to clean up you can head to bed."

"Okay well goodnight Clarity, love you and have a good day at school tomorrow." She kisses my cheek and heads to her room. School will be amazing...I hope.

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