Chapter 1

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       $$First Day$$

            Today is my first day of school and if somebody says anything bout how i dress like Aaliyah because my name is similar i'm gon correct them then i'm gon beat they ass because my name isn't  Aaliyah or anything like that it is Ahliah not Aaliyah thank you.


                   When i woke up i got in the shower and left my hair out curly then i did my makeup and put on a black long-sleeve crop top,baggy jeans,converse,and tied a Dope bandanna  around my head. after i got dressed i got my phone and my book bag and went to school.

When i got to school girls were giving me bad looks and whispering about me. i just rolled my eyes and went to the office for my schedule. After i got my schedule i was walking around lookin for my locker. when i found it i put my unneeded stuff in my locker and kept the stuff i do need and walked to class.

When i got to the class i told the teacher i was new and she just looked at me for a while until saying "Hey class we have a new student named Ahliah Brooks,would you like to introduce your self ?" i hesitated before saying "yea,I'm Ahliah i am a baddie don't test me i don't like drama if you have a problem with me take it up with me don't hide it thank you" i said and asked where to it "sit with Noah,Noah raise your hand" the teacher said. A very cute boy in the back raised his hand in the air so i walked over to the seat next to him. 

           When class started the boy Noah started to move closer to me so i said "is there something you need boy ?" he just looks at me and says "uhh,yea i wanted to um ask you if you wanted to come hang out with me and my squad after school" "oh sure who is yo squad"i said looking around "they aren't in class right now for some reason" "Oh i guess i will see them at lunch"i said getting ready to go to lunch.

              When i got to the lunch room i sat at an empty table before Noah came over with 4 people. i jut looked up and said "Is this the squad you was talkin bout?"i said noticing a semi-cute boy  staring at me "yea haft of it but this is Jaden,Ben,Malak,and Sebastian"Noah said pointing to each of them. after he introduced me to half of the squad i got my food that when 4  girls came over and sat at the table too "this is River,Ariel,Nadia,and Zaniyah another half of the squad i still missing"Noah said when the girls sat down  jut smiled and aid  " Hey, my name is Ahliah" they all smiled except that boy Ben who was till staring at me and Ariel and i wondered why but he was probably jealous Ben was staring at me.

         After i eat we all went to gym and i changed into my sports bra, sweat shorts, and my grey cropped tank and left the locker room to be greeted by Noah and the boy part of the squad all staring at my ass as i walked over to the side of the gym and sat on my phone.

       A few minutes later Noah came over and told me he had to ask me something i just said OK..."Do you like one of the boys in the squad" he said biting his lip "uhh yea but why"i said confused on why he is asking me that "Because i um think i like you..." he said looking down ,i just smiled and said "Noah i like you too aww"i said giggling.he then picked me up and kissed me and said "will you be my girlfriend?" i smiled and said " of course i will". when he put me down i was like whoa and i felt my cheeks getting red because the whole squad except Ben was staring and smiling at us.

                                               ~~~After School~~~

After school the squad came up to my locker and drove me to my house and told me to ask if i can stay at river's house for the weekend so i did and my mami said yes.i went up to my room and packed some clothes and my phone stuff along with my shower and hair products and walked to rivers house since i fund out its right down the street. while i was walking Noah came up behind me and had his arm around my waist.i jumped so high i touched the sky "You can't do that you scared the hell out of me"i said breathing hard holding my chest.we walked the rest of the way hand in hand laughing at each other.

When we got to River's house Ben opened the door looked at us and walked away. we jut waked in and Noah sat me on his lap. Then i kept catching Ben look at me and Noah and roll hi eye so i finally had enough and said "Ben can i talk to you" he just looked at me and got up with me following " Ben what is your problem with me and Noah?"i said "I LIKE YOU! Ahliah that is  why i have a problem with you and noah!"Ben said yelling,i was in shock i didn't know what to say. i was speechless until i felt a pair of lip on mine when i noticed it was Ben i pushed him off and ran out and grabbed my  stuff and leaving.

When i got home i  threw myself on my bed and cried myself to sleep worrying about if Noah finds out and what will happen to Ben.i kept waking up in the middle of the night checking my phone seeing i had lots of notifications and texts from the whole squad mostly Noah asking what happened and what did Ben did so i told him and i also told him not to hurt him because he is still his best friend and i just got there and i didn't want to mess their friendship up.After i texted him that i fell asleep with tear in my eyes because i was so scared of what might happen.


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