The Breeding Project: P1 Chosen. (Katie)

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 Katie's P.O.V

     I sighed as I looked around the room they had left me in. Everything was red. The large, elegant chairs, which were set against the wall giving the room an odd amount of space. The drapes, thick like wool but soft as silk, closed over the tall Victorian styled windows. And the bed with the pillows almost glowing in their bright silk. The quilt was a dark red. Black lace roses stitched into the fabric. The only relief I got from this torturous color was the fluffy white carpet beneath my feet. 

I was sitting alone. The vampires that brought me here told me to wait, but be on my best behavior for the royals. They locked the door behind them before leaving.

The Royals. I'd heard a lot about them. Mainly about how deadly they were to everyone including their own kind. 

King Daniel II was known to be a tough ruler and was brutal to every breeder he got, often killing them.

His wife, Queen Clara was no better. She didn't like the fact that he had other women to turn to. And humans at that. The vampires considered our race to be inferior to their own. The Queen was very beautiful as I have seen in pictures, and I began to wonder why the king wanted Breeders anyway. 

It was then that the thought came to me. Did the king want me as his next breeder?  

I began to feel scared. My stomach twisting itself into tight knots, my palms getting slick with sweat. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as my mind went wild with thoughts of belonging to the king.  

Would he kill me like the others,or would he..... 

The thought was interrupted by the door opening. Immediately I stood, my heart pounding hard in my chest.  

It was like a scene in a movie as I watched the door open so slowly I thought it was the wind, though no windows were open. Then I saw them.  

There were five of them. Four were guards,all circling the one in the middle. "Was he the royal?" 

The guards were fairly simple. Black robes with red and gold trim covered their lean bodies, also concealing their weapons. I couldn't see their faces. They wore the royal mask of the warrior. It covered their eyes, only revealing little slits so they could see, as the rest went down into a mask without an expression. Like they were lifeless beings that walked around.  

The Royal's attire was different, and to my surprise, casual. 

He wore a dark red, long sleeved dress shirt, and black pants with black dress shoes. For some reason, though he carried no weapon and wore no mask, I was scared of him the most. 

I knew he was the prince. He looked too young to be the famed King Daniel I had heard so much about.  

I stood in the middle of the room. Being surrounded by all these vampires was unsettling. My whole body fighting against itself as I forced myself not to try and run away from them. I knew that would get me into trouble with these men. Even if I didn't know them, they knew me.  

Between the internal war I was having with myself about what to do my fear got the best of me for just a moment, as I took a step back, away from the prince and his guards.  

Before I could take a surprised breath I had four sharp blades pointed at my throat, all the guards standing in a protective line in front of the prince.  

"Don't move.", one of the guards said calmly. I didn't know which one said it, I couldn't see their faces.  

"I'm sorry....I didn't mean to." I whispered, my voice shaking slightly as I raised my head trying to get the knives away from my skin.  

I closed my eyes, wishing I could be anywhere but here right now. I could feel my eyes begin to water but I held my tears back. I didn't want to cry in front of these men. 

"That's enough." I heard a deep voice say from behind me making me jump in my spot, but careful not to fall into the knives.  

Slowly they lowered them from my neck and stood, bowing to the prince at once. 

"You are dismissed. I will call if I need you.", he said. His voice was hard yet calm. It sent shivers down my spine.  

As soon as the guards were gone I relaxed a little. I slowly turned around to face the him. I expected to see him still behind me but instead I found him sitting in one of the chairs across the room.  

I didn't know what to do. I took this time to take him in.  

He was tall. Even while he was sitting I knew he would tower over my 5'7 figure. The clothes he wore fit him snugly, emphasizing his muscular chest and arms that, even if he were human, could easily contain me if I chose to fight. His hair was black, and fell to his shoulders,perfectly framing his angular jaw and cheekbones. His eyes were a dark blue, like I was looking into the ocean at night with a flashlight. Bright, but dark, and full of mystery.  

He was watching me and it made me feel uncomfortable. It felt like he was looking right through my clothes. I felt so exposed around him.  

" It's rude to stare, Katie." I heard his deep voice say, making me jump back slightly.  

" Sorry, Your Majesty." I mumbled as I looked back down to my feet.  

"You apologize to much, Katie. We will have to change that if you are going to be mine." He said. His voice was calm but he seemed irritated, like I was annoying him.  

It made me angry the way he was acting with me. I didn't want to be here, yet he seemed as if I was wasting his time.  

"Your what....your highness?" I quickly added at the end so he wouldn't think me to be rude. At the moment I didn't care what he thought of me, I was more worried of what he might do if he thought I did something wrong.  

"You're a smart girl, I don't need to explain this to you. Do I?"  

I looked up to see him watching me. He was talking to me like I was some child. His blue eyes staring back into mine, challenging me.  

"No, your highness." I said. My voice blank of any emotion. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing me angry. For some reason I think that would just entertain him.  

"Good. Do you have any questions?" He asked.  

I didn't answer. I had tons of questions but I wasn't going to ask him. I shook my head no and looked away.  

In an instant he was in front of me, his eyes scanning my body in a way I didn't enjoy. 

"Take off your clothes." He said.  

Immediately I took a step back, moving further away from him, shocked at what he wanted me to do.  

"W- what! Why!" I stuttered. Surprised at what he had just told me to do. I have hardly know him for ten minutes! 

"Take. Off. Your. Clothes." He said slowly. His deep voice punctuating each word, speaking to me like I'm a child.  

I was offended, so I did something really stupid. 


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