Then vanesa went to miss. Blevins class and she was teaching something on shake spear and asked a question on it and she called on me and I looked at then board and didn't know the answer . Then she called on someone else named Logan. Whiching turn out to be my protecter. Then the next day we went on a trip to a Greek museum to see all the Greek God's and I heard someone say stuff will change and I turned around and seen my father posidon. Then we went to the Greek God's part and Mr. Fitz asked what is the name for half Human and half god. I told Mr.Fitzs that it was called a demigod. Then miss blevins told me she wanted to talk to me and we went in the next room and she tried to attack me and she said something about a lightning bolt and Mr.fitz and Logan came to my rescue. Then Mr.fitz asked me if I was okay and I said yes.