Chapter Fifteen

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I closed my locker slinging my bag over my shoulder and heading for the door but was yanked into the janitors closet ye again, "Scott?" "Yep" I slapped him across the face, "What the hell is up with you yanking me into the Janitors closet?" I yelled, "Sorry i just needed to talk to you" "Well, you know the me whole ignoring you thing is saying i do not want to talk to you." "Carter, please you have to talk to me some day" "No i don't i am better off without you" As soon as i said that i regretted it because the look on his face. "Scott..." "No, you are right i should just leave you alone, we broke up for a reason so you could have a better life." "Scott I did not mean to say that, it just came out." He shook his head. "It needed to be said and you are right, your life is better without me." But it wasn't i was so miserable without him, "Goodbye, Carter" He kissed my forehead and walked out just like i did when we broke up, I slid down the door busting into tears burying  my face in between my knees. I felt like my whole world was crashing down i knew that when we talked everything would come up and i would feel this way again. I wiped the tears off my face getting up and walking out and getting into my car and driving home. When i pulled into my driveway Jason was cutting the grass and my mom was cleaning the door, "Mom why must you clean the door?" I asked getting out of the car, "Because this door looks gross" she exclaimed and i just shook my head and looked at Jason to find him taking his shirt off "Ewww, put it back on." I yelled making me turn around and flip me off, i laughed and stuck my tongue out at him. I walked inside to find my dad sitting on the couch watching football, "Hey daddy" "Hey baby girl, how was school?" I shrugged my shoulders, "It was okay, my best friends birthday is today so i'm going over there later and probably staying the night." "Okay, just don't do anything i wouldn't do" he said smiling. I shook my head and walked up to my room and started packing for tonight, I grabbed my phone and sent a message to Kim Me:Is it okay if i stay over tonight? I instantly got a text back say yes and so i left saying bye to everyone. When i got there Scott was standing outside playing basketball, "Shit" i cursed realizing i am going to be here all night with him, I got out and he stopped and looked at me but quickly looked away and threw the basket ball and missing the net i couldn't help but laugh, He turned around and smiled, "What you think you can do better?" he asked as i walked up to him, "Oh i know i can do better, my brother made me play with him all the time" He threw me the ball and i threw it up making it and i looked at Scott and smiled at the look on his face. I walked into the house not saying another word to him i couldn't or i would regret it. "Hey, girl hurry up and lets get to my room so we can get dressed to go." "Um where are we going?" " To this club its my birthday and i have no parents okay." I smiled and ran up the stairs to her.

She threw a strapless black dress with a laced back and told me to put it on. "I don't know, Kim this is a little to much" i said stepping out of the bathroom, "What are you talking about it's perfect." She said turning me around. "Are you sure?" "Yes now move so i can go get dressed." She pushed me out of the way and i went downstairs grabbing a bottle of water, I turned around and almost choked on my water. Scott walks in shirtless and sweaty. Sweat rolling off his six pack and his muscles flexing, He was deeply breathing. He looked at me and stopped looking me up and down, "Are you going to the club wearing that?" He asked not taking his eyes off my body, "Yeah Kim picked it out for me." I said trying not to look at his abs. "Good thing i'm going" he mumbled thinking i didn't hear him, "What did you say?" i asked, "Nothing, Just that you look beautiful." I smiled, "Okay." i said and went back upstairs to find Kim brushing her hair, "So, did you have a good talk with my brother?"she asked looking at me in the mirror, "I just went to get a bottle of water." "Okay, well he is coming tonight and chad will be here any minute now to drive with us." she said grabbing the water bottle out of my hand and taking a sip, I just shook my head and laid down on her bed closing my eyes, "You still love him don't you?" I put my hand over my eyes taking in a deep breath, "It's only been two weeks Kim, of course i still love him but he doesn't want to be with me anymore." "Carter, My brother is just trying to protect you." "That's what he said" She laid beside me putting her head on my shoulder, "Maybe he will realize what he did and beg for you back" she said and i got up and walked downstairs, and Scott was standing there in blue jeans and black shirt and leather jacket and black and grey vans, Kim came up behind me. "So are you guys ready?" He asked looking at me, "We have to wait for Chad" Kim said than the doorbell rung and chad walked through the door, "Carter you look....... Beautiful" Chad said, "Thank you chad" Scott's head shot towards me and i could tell he was getting pissed, "Lets go guys" Kim hollered grabbing my hand pulling me outside and into the car. "Don't stop talking to chad at all to night if, you want my brother back then you have to make him jealous and you talking to chad is so pissing him off." She whispered in my ear, as Chad got in beside me and Scott got in the drivers seat starting the car and driving. "I so call you tonight so Kim shes mine for tonight." Chad said pulling me into his arms and kissing my temple, I could see Scott tighten his grip on the steering wheel. "Um Chad it is my birthday, so she is dancing with me once tonight. You can have her for part of the night." Kim said and Scott's jaws clenched and his fingers was turning white from how strong his grip was on the steering wheel. "Alright Kim I will let you have her some." "Um guys you do realize i am not a toy you can fight over right?" I asked not taking my eyes off Scott, "I know babe, but i do have to fight for you sometimes." Chad said kissing my cheek. Kim's eyes got wide and she looked at Scott and back at me, Maybe this is going a little to far. I was so thankful when we pulled up to the club and chad jumped out the car and went straight in and so did Kim leaving me and Scott alone. I went to leave but Scott stopped me by grabbing my hand, "Are you dating him?"Scott growled out, I just shook my head and yanked my hand out of his grip, "Why does it matter to you Scott? You made it perfectly clear we were over and you have no intentions on being with me again. So stop being jealous its your fault!" I yelled tears forming in my eyes, "Carter i can't stand to see you with him." I didn't say anything i just turned around and walked into the club going straight to the bar where Chad was sitting with Kim, "What took you so long?" Kim asked handing me a shot of vodka. I swung the shot back it burning on the way down, "I had to fix my make-up" i lied, She handed me another shot and i instantly swung it back. I looked at Chad to see him talking to some blonde in booty shorts and a tight tank top so tight her boobs popped out, i looked at Kim and she was shaking her head, I grabbed another shot, i was so done with guys. "Maybe you should take it easy" I shook my head, "I only have a small buzz i am fine Kim." i informed her and she just walked away i shook my head and ordering a glass of whiskey, "Carter, what are you doing?" I looked over to see Scott standing there, "Drinking, what does it look like?" i slurred downing the rest of the whiskey, "Bartender can i have another one please?" I slurred, "No don't give her anymore she's cut off for tonight." Scott ordered pissing me off, "What the hell are you doing!?" He cuffed my face with his hands, "Cutting you off, because i won't sit here and let you drink all your problems away. Kim told me about Chad why are you drinking because of that prick?" "I am n-not drinking b-because of h-him" i slurred, "Than why are you drinking?" he asked looking confused, I couldn't stop myself from what i said next i was to drunk, "Because the first guy i fell in love with doesn't want me anymore, and now i am all alone" He looked at me with complete shock and rubbed his thumb across my face. I pulled away and got up and walked outside i needed to get some fresh air, I sat on the steps and put my head between my knees, i suddenly felt sober and i could feel tears fall onto my knees, i couldn't believe i just said that to him, "Carter?" I looked over and Kim was sitting there, "I say stupid things when i am drunk." "What happened?" I told her what happened and she laid her head on my shoulder rubbing my back, "It will be okay, do you just want to go?" I stood up, "No! it is your birthday i will be fine lets just go have fun." "Okay, but you are cut off tonight." she demanded, and i shook my head, "Yeah, i know

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