The Sergeant's Daughter

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This is a new idea I had and I wondered if anyone would be interested in reading it since I don't really get any feedback except from my awesome fans and even though I love them to bits and value everything they say it would be nice to get more feedback, you know? So Wattpadiens, please help a fellow wattpadiens out and tell me if you think I should do it or not, just type yes or no if you cant be bothered writing anything else.

Love you all! xxx


Here's a brief blurb with a little info on the story but I don't want to give too much away!

Tori can't believe it when she's sent to visit her oh-so affectionate Father, Sergeant North.

It's not bad enough she barely knows the man, but now she has to spend three months with him at a secure army camp miles away from civilisation. Not to mention she'll be completely outnumbered. The camp just so happens to be an all boys training facility.

Will Tori survuve her overbearing father? How will she cope being the only girl amongst roudy teenage boys?

Pretty sucky right? Don't worry, Tori a few cunning tricks up her sleeve in order to survive.


Ok, so here's the main jist of the story :)

Victoria North is a fairly rich Upper East sider whose mother is the highly esteemed Jane Summers, editor-in-chief of the New York Times. At seventeen years old she's never met her dad though she's very aware of him, the jackass won't stop sending her cards and letters! After he left her mother in favour of his job in the British Army, Tori wrote him off. Any man that could do that could leave before she was born doesn't deserve the time of day in her eyes.

Problems occur when Tori's mom sends her to go visit her dad for the summer. Tori can't believe it, she's nearly eighteen for christ's sake, why does he want to meet her so badly now? But since daddy dearest requested a visit Tori is forced to fly overseas to England. When she arrives i the incredibly dreary counrty with it's constant rainfall she finds herself stuck in the middle of the Yorkshirer countryside. At an army camp. For boys.

Somehow she is expected to survive three long months "reconnecting" with a father she couldn't care less abut, beating off eager teenage boys awed by her impossibly long legs, auburn hair and jade green eyes. What in God's name did she do to deserve this?

I guess the debutante will have to fend for herself in the only way she knows how: evil genius pranks!

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