Airplane Fun

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Dedicated to my 17th fan!!!


I was furiously throwing stuff in my suitcase, taking all my anger out on a cute pair of Gucci heels.

It was official. I’d graduated a week ago so now it was time for my ‘vacation’ in England with my father. I really did not want to go. But, my mother being the love-sick fool she was was forcing me to go.

I wasn’t normally an overly girly girl. I preferred jeans and a tee, only dressing up on nights out and when I was expected to attend a function with my mother where I would be in the public eye. But I decided to go all out on this trip. I was going to be the stereotypical bitchy rich girl. Well if my dad wanted a daughter, boy was he getting one, a spoilt rotten one.

Throwing my full body weight on the suitcase lid I tugged the zip shut. Lugging the heavy ass bag down the stairs I threw it in the back of the cab with the other three suitcases. The driver gave me a panicked look but I ignored him. Slamming the door shut I leant forward in my seat “JFK airport, please.” I ordered. He muttered something unintelligible and pulled out of my drive.

My mother had tried to say goodbye to me this morning but I’d ignored her. If she thinks she’s getting away with this without a little bit of sulking she was wrong. She needed to know how much I opposed this idea. Over the last three weeks I’d been silently hoping she’d change her mind about this. But come graduation it was obvious she was deadly serious.

If I’m honest I hadn’t believed any of this was real. But as the cab pulled up to the bustling air port I felt a knot forming in my stomach. I collected my bags from the trunk paying the driver and headed straight to the check-in desk. The knot in my stomach grew tighter as I watched my suitcases being placed on a conveyer belt and the woman behind the desk handed me back my passport and boarding pass, informing me my flight would be departing in two hours.

I skulked to a little coffee shop not far from the departure lounge in search of somewhere to drown my sorrows and pass the time. I ordered an espresso and paid the cashier.

Cheap Styrofoam cup in hand, I sat down in an empty booth. I started to feel nervous about this little ‘visit.’ Every since we left my father’s and my relationship has been...strained. I knew he’d tried to make an effort but like I said before, I had no desire to know the man. But that wasn’t the only thing bothering me.

David – my father – had emailed me last night with my official “itinerary” for my visit. Turns out Sergeant North ran a tight ship at a British Army training camp in the middle of the Yorkshire countryside. He said that I would be staying there in my own private accommodations. I’d been confused until I read the email further. Thornton camp wasn’t just any old army camp, it was strictly for boys. No girls.

Which meant I’d be surrounded by a bunch of Neanderthals. Boys were pretty immature and gross at the best of times, but army cadets were sweaty, dirty and most importantly... horny. I was going to be the only female presence these guys will have had for God knows how long. Surely I was going to be suffocated by testosterone. You never know, I might absorb enough of it to sprout a penis. Then me and my dad could ‘bond’ all he wanted because then I’d probably get forced to join the army like him.

I was so busy fretting, staring into the murky black liquid of my now cold espresso, that I nearly jumped a mile when a loud ding sounded and a scratchy voice came over the intercom.

“Can all passengers on the 240 flight to London Heathrow please make your way to the departure lounge. Thank you.” There was a crackle and then silence. Guess they were boarding soon.

I took one last desperate look at my coffee before sighing and throwing it away. I couldn’t put it off any longer. I grabbed my purse and headed to the departure lounge. My appropriate paper work was checked once again before  was ushered towards my boarding area.

About an hour later we finally got the message to start boarding. I made my way to the desk, not bothering to return the smile of the stewardess as she handed me back my passport. Walking alone the corridor to the plane I was waved into first class. A helpful flight attendant showed me to my seat 2B. I thanked him and received I handsome smile in return.

I smirked to myself. I’ll enjoy flirting with him later. Settling into my seat I pulled out one of the magazines, flipping through to see what movies were available, since it was an international flight. Giving up I resigned myself to the idea of just playing some games instead.

Luckily, we didn’t have to wait too long for lift off and before I knew it we were suspended high in the air, gliding through the puffy softness of the clouds that looked so much like cotton candy to me. The seatbelt sign dinged off and I unclipped myself. I really needed a pee.

On my way to the lavatory I brushed past the charming attendant. He gave me a dazzling white smile that caused me to grin back at him seductively.

“My I help you ma’am.” He asked eagerly.

“Call me Tori.” I told him with a wink. His grin widened. Hmm, this was a seven hour flight, might as well have some fun while I wait impatiently to meet my dreaded fate. I placed my hand on his forearm playfully.

“Actually, I’m just headed to the little girl’s room but could you be a doll and bring a drink to my seat for me?” I asked sweetly, batting my eyelashes at him. He gulped, his Adams apple bobbing deliciously.

“Of course, what would you like?” I felt him flex his muscles slightly under his shirt. I tried to bite back a giggle.

“Surprise me.” I whispered, leaning in to him slightly. I saw him shiver but he quickly covered it with a cheeky grin before he pulled away to get me the drink I requested.

Smiling, I made my way to the toilet. Airplane lavatories always freaked me out since I was mildly claustrophobic, but I managed to distract myself by imagining all of the things I could do to that gorgeous flight attendant.

I unclicked the lock on the door and stepped out. I saw the attendant standing by my seat with a plastic cup and one of those tiny little bottles of alcohol. I smiled at him. “Why thank you...”

“Steve.” He said with a smirk.

“Steve.” I purred, taking a sip of my drink. I looked at him over the rim of the cup as I downed the rest of it. I grabbed his arm again. “I could actually use your help with something else...” I watched as his head cocked to the side curiously.

“I get incredibly bored on these international flights and with all of the... exercise I do back home, I rarely sleep. I just wondered if you knew of any way I could occupy my time?” I made my voice deep and husky as I rubbed my hand up his forearm. Looking at him with one of my flirty smiles the whole time.

His eyed danced with excitement and I saw his gaze flicker back to the lavatories and to my face again. He did this a few times, like he was asking a silent question. I nodded in answer and he practically dragged me back to the little enclosed space.

He kept me entertained for a good hour.


I'm sorry I know it's taken me forever to upload and I'm not happy with the result at all, but I'm finding it really hard to get this story going :/

Loveyoulotslikejellytots! xxx

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