Welcome to the Mystery Shack

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"By the phyconauts beuro of investigation I order you to halt.!" The short boy exclaimed.  Maybe it was more than a melting array of dying colors filling the sky that set a confused  mood. Coraline, whose face was filled with sour aggravation said, "Hah! He thinks he can ORDER me! Listen bub, I don't know what the hell you and your girlfriend did to scare these kids out of their wits, but if you so much as get near us- ANY OF US- God so help me you WILL regret it.!" Her words only seemed to empower her courage, as well as set off an alarming, anxious,  mood in the air. The girl in pigtails shuffled through her pockets until she finally managed to pull out an ID "Lily Zanato, phyconauts anomaly investigator, and protecter of the Psyche." She boasted as she impatiently nudged her sidekick in the shoulder. "Oh, oh! And I'm Razputin Aquato."-He struggled to remember his title- "I'm a phyconauts anomaly investigator, and protector of the psyche." He managed to say without showing his proper identification. "Listen, you're a cute pair and all but the sun is going down- well, is down now- and I'm gonna get my butt whooped if I don't get home. Not to mention escort  your scared little friends home- wherever that is." Coraline spat out. Dipper, franticly  searching the journal, and eyes darting from page to page. "I-i don't understand, how did you know our names?!" Dipper looked sweaty and mentally unraveling. Lily attempted to mend their mistakes, which was as difficult as fixing a building with elders glue. "Listen, I think we've reached a misunderstanding, we should find somewhere to talk, you know what? How about you guys come to the gravity falls motel with us. Okay?"
"Okay?! For all we know we know you could just be leading us to some sort of trap! We're not that dumb.!" Coraline motioned to the twins and her friends. "Come on it'll be pitch black any minute if we just wait here conversing with questionable strangers." Coraline forcefully grabbed Dippers wrist to lead him to his home- where ever that may be. However, astoundingly he didn't budge, nor did Mabel. "Listen, I'd like to return home as much as you,  but I'd like to get too the bottom of this." Dipper said, which cleared much tension. Norman non hesitantly pitched in, "How about we go to your house, I mean you seem to know your way around this town. We'll be back before no time, we can even text our parents if that would help." The twins both nodded, Mabel was eager to have guests.
               It took no time at all to venture to the twins summer stay in the forest. The kids marched Onto the creaky wooden steps. The door swung open, knocking back Wybie, and a suited elderly man stood in the doorway blocking much of the light. In a smoke ridden tone he exclaimed, "Welcome to the Mystery Shack! Home to curiosities and wonders the world has yet to discover!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2015 ⏰

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