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*outfit above is charlottes outfit for the chapter.*

six months later:

"babe! babe! are you ready?" jack yells from the bathroom.

"yes, baby." i smile up at him.

sam and i didn't work, we were incompatible. he cheated on my three weeks into our relationship, i took him back, and he did it again. once a cheater, always a cheater, right?

jack and i have been together for three months now. he makes me happy, he cares about me, hes not sam. i used to break down every time i saw him, now, i ignore him or, if he pisses me off, of course, i say some type of remark.

we got into jack's white wrangler. him and i have matching cars, isn't that just the cutest? we were on our way to hell/school.

we arrive at the large high school building and hop out of the car. we then intertwine our hands and walk in together. many girls in the school call me a whore because i was with sam and now im with jack. it bothers me sometimes but most of the time, as long as i don't overthink it, i blow it off.

"okay, babe. meet me my locker for lunch, love you." jack says then kisses me on the forehead "okay, jackie, love you too." i say and head to first period.

i enter my first period class room and come face to face with the one and only sam. "hi, slut." he mutters and shoves past me "bye, dickhead." i say, knocking down a few books of his.

i dont want my ex to be my arch enemy but, he just makes it that way. we were great together, like the school's power couple. i cant say i wasnt warned that hed hurt me but, the pain ive endured made me who i am today, a boss ass, bad ass bitch who despises samuel wilkinson.

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