Chapter 9

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  *Hailey's P.O.V*
"Natalia, what are you doing here," I ask walking over to her.
"I came to see you. I have missed you so much. Can't we be friends again," Natalia asks.
"I don't know Natalia. Your the one that didn't want to be friends anymore. I would like it if you left," I say as Ashton puts his arms around my stomach.
"Can we please just start over," Natalia asks.
"I don't know Natalia. I have missed you a lot but I don't know if we should be friends anymore. You didn't treat me the best," I say.
"I'm sorry Hailey. Just please forgive me," Natalia says.
"I don't know Natalia. Please just leave and I might call you later," I say.
"Fine," Natalia says before leaving.
"Do you guys want to know the name we picked for our daughter," I ask.
"Yeah," everyone says.
"We decided to name her Leah Nicole Irwin," I say looking at Ashton.
"I love it," Winter says.
"It's amazing," Ashlynn says.
"It's perfect," my mum says.
We continued to talk for about an hour before cutting the cake. After cake, everyone started leaving. Once everyone was gone, Ashton and I helped his mum clean up before heading back to my house. Once we get back to my house, we go in and get ready for bed before getting in bed and going to sleep.
*Time skip* [A month and a half later, 2 weeks before Leah's due date]
Today my twin sister, my best friend and Ashton's twin sister are throwing us a baby shower. I have been waiting a month for this day to come and now, here it is. We are having it Winter, my twin sisters house. After I get , Ashton and I head over to Winters house early to help set up. I knock on the door and wait for someone to answer. Ashlynn, Ashton's twin sister answers the door. After a second, she steps to the side and Ashton and I enter the house. Winter, Sam and Ashlynn have already started decorating. In the living room, the with a zebra print cover on it, is in the corner of the room with balloons arched over it. There are cute little goody on a table across the room. This looks amazing already. On the kitchen counter is the cutest baby shower I have ever seen.
"How much did you guys spend on this," I ask looking around.
"Don't worry about it. It's worth it," Winter says.
After about an hour, everyone finally shows up all the guys go down to the basement and play video games. The first thing we do is play games. The first game is actually stapled together. After completing the first game, we start the next one. The next one is just one single . We played this game for almost forty five minutes before everyone was finished with it. Winter, Ashlynn, Sam and I have the most points. We have two more games. The next game is also just one . The game was really easy. Once everyone is finished with that one, we start the last one. The last one is in one. These ones took a little longer than I hoped but by the time we finished it, we are all ready for cake. Ashlynn cuts the cake and gives me the first piece. After we ate the cake, we decided to do presents. I sat on the couch in corner of the room.
"Let's start with the small stuff," Winter says.
Ashlynn started handing me the stuff she got me. Once I had gone through all the stuff Ashlynn got me, Sam started handing me the stuff she got me. After I was finished with the stuff from Sam, Winter started handing me the stuff she got me. After I finished the stuff from Winter, they started giving me the stuff everyone else got me. Next thing I know, Winter comes in pushing a zebra print with a matching car seat on it and a giant hot pink bow. The next five things are also wrapped. The first one I open is a zebra print . The next one is a zebra print . After that, I open a zebra print . My daughters room is going to be zebra print everything because of Winter, Sam and Ashlynn. The second to last gift I open is pink and zebra print . The last thing I open is the for Leah's crib.
"You guys didn't have to buy me all the big stuff. Thanks everyone," I say looking at all my gifts.
"Well now you have everything for when she comes. Which is in two weeks, right," Winter says.
"Yeah. My due date is the day after Luke's birthday," I say as Leah starts kicking.
"I also got you something for your birthday. Since it was the other day," Winter says handing me a gift bag that says 'Happy Birthday' on it.
"You won't be able to wear it until after you have Leah," Winter says as I pull the out of the bag.
"I also got you something for your birthday. But Ashton and I have to go get it," my mum says.
"What is it," I ask.
"You will have to wait and see," my mum says.
Ashlynn then goes down to the basement and comes back up with Ashton.
"You have a lot of work these next two weeks," I say to Ashton before he kisses me.
"Ready Ash," my mum asks standing up from her chair.
"Yeah. I will be back babe," Ashton says.
"Where are you going," I ask.
"To get something," Ashton says before leaving.
"Do you guys know what they're getting," I ask.
"To get your present," Winter says.
"What is it," I ask.
"We can't tell you," Riley says.
"Who all knows what it is," I ask.
"Everyone," Jessica says.
"Ugh I want to know," I say.
"They will be back in ten minutes," Isabella says.
"Where did they go," I ask.
"A couple blocks away," Millie says.
I really want to know where my mum and my boyfriend went.
"Their back," Kaitlyn says after ten minutes.
"I'm kinda scared," I say still sitting on the couch.
"You need to come outside. We can't bring it in to you," Jessica says.
"Why not," I ask kinda confused.
"Just follow me," Winter says and I get up and follow her out front.
I follow winter out front and see Ashton getting out of a .
"You guys didn't," I say covering my mouth in surprise.
"We did," my mum says walking up to me.
"Why," I ask letting a tear of excitement slip.
"We knew how much you wanted one and you will need a bigger car with the baby," Rayne says.
I walk over to the jeep and open the driver door. I get in and sit in the drivers seat. I can't believe my friends and family actually bought me a jeep. After a couple minutes of looking around in the jeep, we went back in the house and just sat around talking for a couple hours, before we put all the gifts inn my car and jeep and head home. Once home, we watch a movie before going to bed.  

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